Friday, September 12, 2003

Wheel and deal

I’m standing outside of a fast-food restaurant driving to buy weed from the cars that pull up to order at the drive-thru. But the drive thru speaker isn’t behind the building, it’s at the same side as the window and across the parking lot. So when a car pulls up to order, they stop at the curb away from the building and order through their passenger-side window. A car or two pulls up and I try to buy weed from each driver. I have a password which a rap lyric to a song that was popular a few years ago. I say it to each car, expecting the driver to hand over a bag of pot. I beat up town car pulls up and I try a different lyric. The driver is an ugly black man with a pug face and a two-inch afro that is grey in patches. When I say the password, he asks, “What do you want?” and I ask if he has any pot. He hands me one very skinny joint and says “that’ll be 30 bucks.” I think he’s nuts and offer 15 which I still think is too much although I’m not at all sure how much a baggie costs in NYC. He goes off on my offer and almost starts to yell about the primo quality of this marijuana calling it by a descriptive name based on where it was grown. I’m a little worried by his outburst. Will he attract attention or is there a chance he might freak out and attack me? I also wonder if the pot is really that great. So we settle on a price of $20.

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