Monday, March 8, 2004

Pointless and futile

Staying in a hotel, my room is closer to ground level, maybe the 4th story of a tall building. My room has a view of the Empire State Building, but it is in the wrong city. It feels like the location of the St. Louis Arch (there is a church in the foreground) But instead of grass and the Mississippi River, there are warehouses and parking garages. I leave my hotel room and walk back and forth on a parking deck trying to find a good angle to take a picture of the Empire State Building. But the view is blocked by a large vertical neon sign of a business on a warehouse. Dave suggests an angle from the other end of the lot. Then we head to the beach to party with the Spring Breakers. A long wooden dock connects us to the sand where the girls in bikinis are.

Waiting for a city bus. I set my stuff down on the sidewalk and pick up the handle of some roller thing that looks like an old push lawnmower but with a solid cylinder instead of blades. It is a one-man, push manually powdered stream roller. I give it a shove and let it roll away from me on the street along the curb. There is random stuff in the gutter that looks like it was placed there on purpose. Maybe set down by other people waiting for the bus. The roller flattens the toes of a pair of women’s black dress shoes that look like a pair of Birkenstock clogs afterwards. The roller verves off course slightly just before rolling into a small pile of stuff. A guy on the sidewalk was watching the roller and is disappointed when it doesn’t flatten the pile. So I roll it back to the starting point and push it harder. It swerves wildly on a curve into the street and into the path of an oncoming bus. I dart out, grab the handle and pull the roller past just as the bus swooshes by. The bus pulls up to the curb right in front of my stuff. I see a cute girl waiting to board the bus. I run back across the street to catch it, but only make it along side as the bus pulls away. As it drives off, I smack the side of the bus once with my palm and yell. I turn to pick up my stuff and it is not there. I look up from the curb and the girl is standing there holding my stuff in her crossed arms. She hands it to me, it is mainly a few books including a bright orange one. I enthusiastically thank her and starts to walk off, leaving me stand there. But she gets in line at a storefront stand next to me to get a drink. I think if I should ask her to get a cup of coffee, but she already has the drink. I debate asking her out for a bite to eat. I wonder if she was trying to pick me up or encourage me to pick her up.

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