Monday, October 27, 2003

Dangerous orders

A member of the U.S. Army is a hit man. I am also in the military and my assignment is to track a suspect. I see the suspect pick up a notebook and write something inside. He passes the notebook to a Colonel, who tears a page out. He folds the note and sticks it into his pocket. I have discovered how the targets for assignation are given. But which one of them is the hit man?

Wednesday, October 22, 2003


Wearing a tux, walking up a flight of stairs to some event like a banquet. Coming down the stairs are a swarm of eighth graders leaving a school dance. I step outside and kids are sitting in perfectly straight rows and columns on the stone entryway and steps leading up to the courthouse-like building. All the kids are wearing plain, white dress shirts.

The creek behind our house growing up, but it is a little deeper in spots. I am with something else looking for something in the water. We don’t find it, but I see several golf balls on the bottom around one spot. Leaning over to look, I slip off a steep bank and fall in. I land on my feet and since my shoes and pants legs are already wet, I decide to pick up the golf balls. That’s when I notice that the steep bank I fell off of is actually a mattress with several layers of old leaves, sticks and cut grass piled on top. I lift the mattress and underneath is a futon with a box of bead and necklaces sitting on top of it. The futon looks clean and new. I pick up the box and hand to the person I am with that is still on shore. Then I see stacks of boxes to the side and behind the futon. It seems they were stored or hidden in an underground cave or room in the hillside.

Share your story

A kid is talking to his grandfather as they are walking on a farm. The kid is trying to learn about his grandfather’s experience in the war. A large truck pulls up on a dirt road, there is a large glass box attached to the side of the truck that contains a recording studio. The boy is convincing his grandfather to do an interview. They enter the box, inside it looks like a front porch with a tree in front. The door of the porch leads into the back of the truck. The boy sits in a swing. He realizes that his grandfather doesn’t want to do any interview when he sees the look on his face. He motions for his grandfather to sit in another swing, then pulls or cuts a cord or rope. Both swings fly into the air. They are attached on opposite sides of a rope hanging over a bar or tree branch. The kid knows someone will be coming as starts shutting a window next to the door. As the swings climb upwards out of reach, the kids closes the window by letting slack slide from two ropes. The window closes just as a person walks through the back of the truck toward the screen door that leads out onto the porch.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Hail me

Standing in a hotel room looking out the window at muddy fields in every direction several stories below. I see Mom and Dad riding mountain bikes along a road winding away from the hotel. Dad swerves off onto a path that cuts back towards the hotel and Mom follows close behind him. I see that mud is splattering off their tires and up their backs. I pull on a grubby pair of cut off jean shorts and look for an old t-shirt so that I can join them. But instead of hopping on a bike, I stand in the hotel lobby and tell them that I have a job interview at Moroch/Leo Burnett. I get into a cab and head to the interview. The cab drives past a convenient store/gas station and I watch a group of girls out front. One is eating an ice cream cone. She looks good in a skirt and crop top, but is too young. She’s probably only in college or maybe even high school. I wonder where we are and what route the cab is taking. I turn to ask and suddenly I am driving the cab just as it runs out of gas. I turn the key in the ignition and the car starts up again. It is suddenly dark outside. I turn the gar around in the grass to backtrack to a different gas station I just passed. The station is behind me on a cross street at a major intersection. I cannot do a U-turn on the street I am on because of a concrete median and barrier dividing the lanes of traffic. So I turn into the grass to turn around and head on the side of the road facing oncoming traffic. I turn to my left to cut across the corner through the grass directly towards the station. As I approach the cross street, I turn further to the left to drive parallel to the cross street. I am now driving in the grass on the wrong side of the cross street. As I straighten the steering wheel to bring the cab parallel to the street, I see Mom and Dad in the headlights. They are jogging and yell at the cab for driving down the wrong side of the road. They don’t realize it is I at first, but they continue yelling when they do.

Thursday, October 16, 2003


Lane from work and I hook up. Later I approach her about having sex with me again. She rejects my advances by saying “I don’t think Allison would approve.” I wonder what she has to do with it, then I realize that they must be lovers. I wonder how this is possible since Lane is not a lesbian.