Wednesday, October 22, 2003


Wearing a tux, walking up a flight of stairs to some event like a banquet. Coming down the stairs are a swarm of eighth graders leaving a school dance. I step outside and kids are sitting in perfectly straight rows and columns on the stone entryway and steps leading up to the courthouse-like building. All the kids are wearing plain, white dress shirts.

The creek behind our house growing up, but it is a little deeper in spots. I am with something else looking for something in the water. We don’t find it, but I see several golf balls on the bottom around one spot. Leaning over to look, I slip off a steep bank and fall in. I land on my feet and since my shoes and pants legs are already wet, I decide to pick up the golf balls. That’s when I notice that the steep bank I fell off of is actually a mattress with several layers of old leaves, sticks and cut grass piled on top. I lift the mattress and underneath is a futon with a box of bead and necklaces sitting on top of it. The futon looks clean and new. I pick up the box and hand to the person I am with that is still on shore. Then I see stacks of boxes to the side and behind the futon. It seems they were stored or hidden in an underground cave or room in the hillside.

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