Monday, October 7, 2002


Pep rally or convention held in a large room that’s a cross between a medieval courtyard and a high school gym. Long tables, old frat brothers sit in the back and make fun of the speakers. Andy Murray turns around and asks where I got the folder and if they handed out new materials for this presentation. A family in college sweatshirts speaks at a podium. People tape posters to the walls around the room.

Brooke and I go to our room on a cruise ship. We are sharing a room with 6 beds. A bunch of boys walk in just ahead of us. At the front desk, we switch to a room with an outer view.

I’m going to catch a train from an airport to a city. But the tunnel is closed. Don Littlejohn is suddenly with me and finds a basketball, which he shoots off light poles. We get on a bus that waits among a long line of buses.

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