Thursday, January 31, 2002


I pulled up and hopped out of the Blazer, but left the engine running. This happened near a school I was driving to talking to a young girl. The blazer drives forward on it’s own. I try to run and jump in the open drivers side door, but the car is turning in a circle blocking me from reaching it. The blazer turns in a complete circle jumping the curb in the process, then it straightens out and drives across the lawn and through a street of shops. I chase after it and the blazer crashes into a shop. I enter the shop and it is a women’s clothing boutique. The blazer is crashed against the back wall but the racks of clothes are still upright and undisturbed.

Stacy came by holding hands in a row of girls, I try to duck under their arms but they break the chain. I think to myself that this had a meaning.

Thought a guy was wearing my old turquoise Chuck Taylor all stars, but his were covered with red marker as if he had tried to repaint them.

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