Saturday, December 20, 2003

Blue eyes

Having a drink with Frank Sinatra in a hotel room. I’m looking all over for a blank cassette tape to record me interviewing him. I don’t think to grab my camera and take a picture.

Saturday, December 6, 2003

That's a big assumption

At a lake house, a large group of people is having some kind of competition on the dock. A woman is trying to toss water from a bucket into a 2-liter coke bottle that is sitting on top of a stepladder. The water is splashing out and up but not over the bottle. I take the bucket and show her how to hold one had on the rim and one underneath and swing my arms back and then forward and up to give the water momentum. The bottle is moved to a picnic table on the porch against the front wall of the house. I notice that there is space between he wooden slates of the wall and if they throw the water, it will splash into the house. Through a closed window, I ask the woman that owns the house if it is ok if water gets inside.
Night falls and there has been a party in the house. Some people, myself included, are supposed to leave to sleep elsewhere. But for some reason we are not leaving and are working out sleeping arrangements. I assume one of the girls is going to take me to bed.

Friday, December 5, 2003

No, you go

I am cutting a small piece out of foam-core board. I carefully cut out a circle about the size of a coffee mug ring. It is a door for a dollhouse. But the dollhouse door should be square.

A girl is picked up for a date in a convertible. But it is not just a sports car, it is super ornate like an old carriage with two bench seats with plush velvet covering them.

I drive a semi into a gas station parking lot. I swing around to line up on the other side of the pumps. Another rig is behind me and one other pulls up just after me. I am nervous making the turn in this monster, so I let the 2nd truck go ahead of me because I’m afraid of hitting him. The trucker behind me is pissed because the etiquette is to stay in order and now he has to wait for an extra truck to fuel up before his turn, so it puts him behind schedule. I get out of the cab and the truck rolls backwards across the lot and into a creek. The perspective is weird, the truck doesn’t just seem to get smaller as it rolls further away, it actually does get smaller. I go to the water and grab the bumper of the truck and pull it out. The truck seems to be about the size of a large tree. But then it is back at the pump and I climb into the now normal-sized cab. I can’t find any kind of parking break, so I get out. There is a mini-fridge sitting in the middle of the parking lot. I assume it is for my truck so I can keep meal stored for a long haul. As I open the door, my truck rolls away again. I don’t go after it though, I am too impressed by the fact that there is a tiny tv on the inside of the fridge door.

Walking through the woods, I see a guy digging in a large barrel or oil drum. I walk up and see that it is full of bait, printed on the side in white stenciled lettering is a note about “use for fishing” There is a cabin nearby and I go in. There is another drum, this one is sealed. A man with a beard opens it. Is it the same man I saw outside? There are shrimp and fish maybe craps inside. I thought the guy would be frightening, but he is cool.

Thursday, December 4, 2003

Watch your back

I try to call two girls, but don’t get a hold of either one. One calls me back and one sends me an email. Her email is one line of about 6 rhyming nonsense words like goosey, loosey, suessy. Below that line is an email she forwarded to me that says her cell phone battery is dead. It was originally sent to a bunch of names I don’t recognize.
Drive up to a house, but there are no parking spaces on the street or driveway. So I park on the grass at the end of the drive with the front of my car at angle facing the street. I hang out with my Jersey buddies inside. I leave the house and the front of my car has been stolen. It looks like someone tried to strip the entire thing, but ran off in the middle of the job. I start yelling and cursing that I will never park in Blair’s shitty neighbor again. I worry about calling the insurance company and getting a rental.

Go to see a movie. Walk into theater and there are two screens on opposite sides with seats sloping towards each. I walk down the aisle to the left and find a group of random guys I know from high school and my college fraternity. One guy (Jason Black?) is lying on the floor under a blanket or unzipped sleeping bag. He is smoking a joint. A few frat brothers are seating in the row behind him with a blanket throw across their laps and chests. I take the seat on the end of the row and pull the edge of the blanket over me.
Walking through the hall of a castle or fortress. A man is ahead of me and another walks besides me talking. He says that if you can’t kill your enemy, let other countries hate him so they do the job for you, now he can’t leave the country without being arrested. I’m not sure if he is talking about the man ahead of us. We walk out into the street. Military men patrol in Humvees and cop cars. They are in riot gear hanging off the vehicles. One team of them wears white shorts with their uniforms. We walk into a courtyard or dock area. A leader asks for volunteers for an elite squad that will undergo dangerous situations. One guy asks in a smart-ass way if they’ll get higher pay. The leader says no and puts the guy in his place. But no one volunteers. I run down a stone ramp and jump into the water to climb onto a motorboat sitting at a dock. I realize I could have just walked down the dock and stepped on. But a boy on the boat leans out and tells me that they can only pick me up at the dock across the bay. There is a man driving the boat, he doesn’t speak.

Playing pool in a bar. A girl and I trade glances and flirt. We want to leave to hook up but can’t because of the group we are with.

Walking along on a snow-covered sidewalk next to a frozen lake. I see a sled sitting on the ice. There is a rail or fence there but I slip through to get the sled. The ice is too thin at the edges of the lake and I fall through up to me knees. The sled starts to sink underwater, but I grab it and pull it ashore.

Wednesday, December 3, 2003

Bad episode

A father is talking to his son, it is Eric from “That 70’s Show” but the dad doesn’t quite look like Red (the father on the show.) He is grounded. Later, Red wants to make breakfast, but Kitty (the Mom) doesn’t want him to. Kelso says, “Come on, if Red wants to make a real Denny’s breakfast, what could go wrong?” Cut to the rest of the cast, Fez, Jackie, and Stephen sitting at a table. They have just finished eating and are completely drunk. Something in the food (the sauce on the Rooty-Tooty-Fresh & Fruity perhaps) was made with alcohol in it. They get up to leave and Fez bends over to lick syrup off his plate. As the leave, Stephen says, “Well, there’s food here, we should eat.” And they all sit down thinking they haven’t already eaten. Eric goes to find his Dad to tell what has gone wrong. He finds him in an alley outside a theater, where several people are getting ready to put on a play. His dad is in full stage costume with blue monster make-up and horns.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

All over the place

Stopped at a red light in the turning lane. In the rearview mirror, I see a big car speeding toward me in my lane. The car swerves into the next lane at the last minute but not soon enough. The land yacht clips the back end of my car. I get out to inspect the damage. I have to walk around the back of the other car to get to the side the damage is on. The woman driving nudges her car up against the back of mine and pushes it across the intersection. At first, I think she is trying to clear the intersection and doesn’t realize that I got out of my car. I run after her shouting, but she keeps driving until my car is completely across the intersection. She stops her car, but mine keep rolling down the street. I try to jump into the passenger side of her car and yell for her to go after my car. She just acts confused.

Leaving a restaurant with Stac, we get the car from the valet. As we’re pulling away, we discover someone else’s stuff in the car. We stop and find the belongings of a woman that has a baby in the trunk. A man from the restaurant comes up and tells us to move because we are blocking the drive to the restaurant. We are stopped on a hill next to a brick wall, the blacktop connects the main road to the entrance.

Riding in a panel van with a few guys, we have several take out containers from a restaurant we were just at. Ooze starts seeping out of the containers. The ooze grows into worm shaped blobs the size of soda cans. They grow bigger and start developing alien features. The grow legs and faces and look like alien worm puppies. They start climbing around the van and we’re trying to keep them from getting hurt but also avoid touching them. One tries to jump out the front window and the guy in the passenger seat grabs it. Another guy says that he’s glad that we got the food that was sitting under the heat lamps. We take them into a house. Eli is trying to hide them. My cousin Danny walks in holding several of them in his hands. I start to freak out, but realize that he thinks they are normal puppies. He can’t tell because they are covered in a mess of food and a fried egg over each of their faces. Someone must have covered them to disguise them. Danny puts them down and flings jelly all over a wall while trying the clean his hands. We I point out that he’s making a mess, he says not to worry that he’ll take care of it. His solution is to turn off the lights so no one can see the mess, even though I can still see the jelly splattered across the wall.

Walking down a suburban street, further down the block I see people watching a movie projected onto the side of a house, they sit on couches on the lawn. I walk past another group in front of a house at the near end of the street. People start singing and I beat on a weird long drum set built into the lawn. I am off the beat of the song, but think it still sounds good. A young woman comes over and politely asks me to stop, but phrases it to try to make me think it is because no one can hear me play.

Monday, November 24, 2003

Family flocks together

An empty house. Stacy disappears through a hole of shimmering light in the ceiling above the bathtub. Then I am standing in a desert. I walk easily towards something in the distance. I see grass with buildings in the background. A group of creatures the size of deer but they have rodent features and hop on their two hind legs. I approach the deserted buildings and discover they are some kind of apartment complex. I enter a building and walk down a hall that looks like a school with lockers. People come out of various doors into the hall. They all hop or scurry their hands in a bunny-type motion in the same manner as the creatures I saw outside. I mimic them to blend in. Then I am standing back in the bathroom and try sticking my arm into the hole. My hand slides through as if it is a film of mass of gel. I try to push my head up through the hole to see what is on the other side, but I can only make it as far as my forehead. There are two pills in my hand, one gets slightly wet and my arm is able to enter. As the pills get wet, I gain access. It leads to another dimension or world, the complex with lockers I was just in. The hole in the ceiling leads to this other world, you enter this world through one of the lockers. Depending which locker you pop out of, you enter the world as either a vampire or a creature covered in a dress of multi-colored feathers. I watch several people, including my sister Stacy and Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer pop out of different lockers and appear as different things. Willow bares her fangs, then appears again in the feathers. I see a series of white and black blocks covered in carvings. They somehow control the form and direction that people appear in this other world. I run down the hall and outside past a long line of people that stretches for blocks. I keep running along past the people waiting. I see Dad standing in line, I give him a wink or thumbs up sign. Stacy tells me that we only to kill 8 more feathers to escape.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Move it

I pull into an industrial area and stop by a loading dock. I see a set of chairs and go to put them in my truck. Right as I step up to them, a girl comes from around the front of the truck they are sitting by. The truck is moving type one and is full of her stuff. I help her finish loading it up.

I drive my blazer through an alley, random pieces of furniture are laying in the way. I try to plow through and drive over them.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Don't cheat

Sitting in a school desk as a teacher hands out a test to the class. It is a multiple choice math test with one of those bubble sheets where you fill in either the A, B, C or D circles and it’s graded automatically by a computer. But the first math question reads more like an essay and I have no idea how to answer it. I get up and leave the room, taking my exam with me. I walk into another room and a TV is playing. A man on TV is explaining the theory that the first question asks about. I sit and watch, trying to solve the first problem. I go back to class and still haven’t filled in any answers. As soon as I sit down, the professor comes by and picks up my test. I protest but he says that we only had an hour for the exam. I look up at the clock amazed how much time has gone by and he continues picking up the tests of the other students. I didn’t even take time to fill in random bubbles on the answer sheet.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Pass it

Living a house with a bunch of people. Sharon finds a small dime bag in the living room. We smoke up with Len.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Material girl

Madonna seduces me. She starts dancing in front of me as I sit in a chair. We start having sex. I look down as I enter her. When I look up, it is no longer Madonna, it is Brooke and she is reading a book as I have sex with her. I stop confused and hurt by her passivity.

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Big winner

A bartender is dealing poker is people sitting around the bar. I forget to turn in my cards after a round, but the bartender shuffles and deals a new hand before I notice. He debates redoing the hand but continues. Another hand ends and I rearrange the cards that people have played. I give myself a 4 of kind and another guy a 4 of a kind in 3s. The bartender pays me for the winning hand with a large bucket of tokens. I pick up the bucket and turn to leave the game. The bar forms a square in the middle of a larger room. It is some kind of video parlor or cheap casino. I cross through the other gaming area which is carpeted and into a large hallway that is not. This wide and short hall leads into a foyer with a marbled tiled floor. On the other side of the foyer is the cashier window where you cash in your chips. As I step from the hall into the foyer, a woman comes up behind me and dances against me. I turn around and it is an older woman in a security guard uniform. She congratulates me on my big winning.

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Worst game ever

Walking on a golf course, an older guy picks up some range balls that have strayed from a near-by driving range. He throws them towards us. I am upset that he is throwing them at us. The man tries to explain it away, saying that the last group he threw balls back at understood that it was part of the game because they hit too close the players ahead of them.

Running errands

I pull up to a parking meter and collect my things from in the car. Everything is scattered on the passenger seat as if I have been on a road trip. I grab my wallet, cell phone and change out of the drink holder for the meter. As I am getting it together, a woman appears at my passenger window and acts as if she is going to bang on my window with two flat palms, but she stops short of actually touching the car. I am fumbling with all of that stuff and my keys as I try to get out of the car. As I step out of the car, I am putting a stack of cash into my wallet. Someone approaches me. I tell them something like to buzz off. The person is Sharon and she says, “Did you just tell me to buzz off?” but she uses different words than I did. I apologize and notice that her girlfriend is with her and that she is the one who almost knocked on my window. We all go into the grocery store across the street but not together. I am supposed to buy some stuff and then go meet Brooke. I am torn between wanting to get going to see Brooke and hanging out with Sharon. I head to the opposite side of the store from them to find a bottle of tide I see on top of a distance shelf. I get to the other side of the store, but don’t see any Tide. I am walking up and down aisles full of 2 liter soda bottles. I find a large bottle of Tide sitting on a random shelf.

Monday, November 3, 2003

On the prowl

In a hotel partying with a bunch of people. Stacy is drunk and I try to take her to her room. She runs off and I chase her. She jumps in the pool and I’m afraid she’ll drown so I jump in after her. She runs across the bottom of the pool and up a ladder on the other side. I have a hard time swimming underwater in my cargo shorts and shoes. I climb out of the pool and can’t find her. I carry an appliance into a room. There is a tangle of cords in the laundry room, I am looking for a place to plug in something. I hear a good song playing, but it’s not the actual song, it is a Weird Al parody cover of it. A girl starts dancing with me, joking at first, then up against me. Then she is bent over grinding her ass into my crotch, she is wearing nothing but a thong. She keeps rubbing around me until I enter her. I hesitate, almost fumbling. I notice we are standing in the middle of a room with wide windows along one wall. The blinds are open and outside I see a sidewalk and several shops with awnings. I wonder if anyone will see us and why I’m not with Brooke. I walk down the hall and see a girl crying with her head resting on crossed arms on the kitchen table. I assume it is Brooke, but it is Stacy crying about being drunk. Another girl is standing over her with a hand on her shoulder. The next day, a group of people are standing at the pool. One girl asks a guy, “So it went well with Christa last night huh?” He doesn’t know what she’s talking about, so she says I saw you fucking her from behind last night through the window. He says it wasn’t him and the group begins discussing who it was. Neither the girl nor I say anything. Another girl says that it was another guy and he seems to imply that maybe it was. The actual girl looks at him and he winks. She smiles like she wants to have a go with him. Everybody starts playing some kind of game with a bunch of hoops and throwing something through them.

There is a salt mine or warehouse next door to the hotel. It is winter weather in the same location. We walk through the parking lot towards the hotel, I see a Tonka dump truck toy in a pile of slush or salt at the curb. I want to pick it up and play, but instead I follow the people I am with. I slide on a patch of ice and keep gliding forward for a really long time. I am amazing that I’m able to keep my balance as I slide past Brooke and make a sharp turn around to come to a stop.

I look out the window of the hotel and see Jeremy and a few other guys bow hunting deer in the woods next to the hotel. Three deer run from them as they shoot arrows after them. One buck runs across the hill with an arrow sticking into his hind flank.

Monday, October 27, 2003

Dangerous orders

A member of the U.S. Army is a hit man. I am also in the military and my assignment is to track a suspect. I see the suspect pick up a notebook and write something inside. He passes the notebook to a Colonel, who tears a page out. He folds the note and sticks it into his pocket. I have discovered how the targets for assignation are given. But which one of them is the hit man?

Wednesday, October 22, 2003


Wearing a tux, walking up a flight of stairs to some event like a banquet. Coming down the stairs are a swarm of eighth graders leaving a school dance. I step outside and kids are sitting in perfectly straight rows and columns on the stone entryway and steps leading up to the courthouse-like building. All the kids are wearing plain, white dress shirts.

The creek behind our house growing up, but it is a little deeper in spots. I am with something else looking for something in the water. We don’t find it, but I see several golf balls on the bottom around one spot. Leaning over to look, I slip off a steep bank and fall in. I land on my feet and since my shoes and pants legs are already wet, I decide to pick up the golf balls. That’s when I notice that the steep bank I fell off of is actually a mattress with several layers of old leaves, sticks and cut grass piled on top. I lift the mattress and underneath is a futon with a box of bead and necklaces sitting on top of it. The futon looks clean and new. I pick up the box and hand to the person I am with that is still on shore. Then I see stacks of boxes to the side and behind the futon. It seems they were stored or hidden in an underground cave or room in the hillside.

Share your story

A kid is talking to his grandfather as they are walking on a farm. The kid is trying to learn about his grandfather’s experience in the war. A large truck pulls up on a dirt road, there is a large glass box attached to the side of the truck that contains a recording studio. The boy is convincing his grandfather to do an interview. They enter the box, inside it looks like a front porch with a tree in front. The door of the porch leads into the back of the truck. The boy sits in a swing. He realizes that his grandfather doesn’t want to do any interview when he sees the look on his face. He motions for his grandfather to sit in another swing, then pulls or cuts a cord or rope. Both swings fly into the air. They are attached on opposite sides of a rope hanging over a bar or tree branch. The kid knows someone will be coming as starts shutting a window next to the door. As the swings climb upwards out of reach, the kids closes the window by letting slack slide from two ropes. The window closes just as a person walks through the back of the truck toward the screen door that leads out onto the porch.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Hail me

Standing in a hotel room looking out the window at muddy fields in every direction several stories below. I see Mom and Dad riding mountain bikes along a road winding away from the hotel. Dad swerves off onto a path that cuts back towards the hotel and Mom follows close behind him. I see that mud is splattering off their tires and up their backs. I pull on a grubby pair of cut off jean shorts and look for an old t-shirt so that I can join them. But instead of hopping on a bike, I stand in the hotel lobby and tell them that I have a job interview at Moroch/Leo Burnett. I get into a cab and head to the interview. The cab drives past a convenient store/gas station and I watch a group of girls out front. One is eating an ice cream cone. She looks good in a skirt and crop top, but is too young. She’s probably only in college or maybe even high school. I wonder where we are and what route the cab is taking. I turn to ask and suddenly I am driving the cab just as it runs out of gas. I turn the key in the ignition and the car starts up again. It is suddenly dark outside. I turn the gar around in the grass to backtrack to a different gas station I just passed. The station is behind me on a cross street at a major intersection. I cannot do a U-turn on the street I am on because of a concrete median and barrier dividing the lanes of traffic. So I turn into the grass to turn around and head on the side of the road facing oncoming traffic. I turn to my left to cut across the corner through the grass directly towards the station. As I approach the cross street, I turn further to the left to drive parallel to the cross street. I am now driving in the grass on the wrong side of the cross street. As I straighten the steering wheel to bring the cab parallel to the street, I see Mom and Dad in the headlights. They are jogging and yell at the cab for driving down the wrong side of the road. They don’t realize it is I at first, but they continue yelling when they do.

Thursday, October 16, 2003


Lane from work and I hook up. Later I approach her about having sex with me again. She rejects my advances by saying “I don’t think Allison would approve.” I wonder what she has to do with it, then I realize that they must be lovers. I wonder how this is possible since Lane is not a lesbian.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Toil and trouble

In an orphanage, it’s a big, creaky building much like an old house. I am my current age, but all the rest of the kids are little kid age. The place is run by a group of witches, that look like the Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy characters from the movie Hocus Pocus. I am upstairs with a group of kids and the witches start chasing us. The kids run down the staircase that winds down several floors and I follow, then stop and turn around. I stand on the stairs ready to fight so that the kids have a chance to get away. But then I jump over the handrail and onto a large pipe across from the rail. The pipe has large brackets ever couple of feet when the pipe changes direction or gets smaller as it descends. I slide down the pipe, past the kids, to the bottom. I have to get out. I jump of the pipe to duck out a back screen door, but see two of the witches outside in the alley catching rats to eat. I turn back inside. When the witches go past, I leave the house and cross the alley to a gravel parking lot. I walk up to a parked van with several punk, tough looking guys. I try to convince them to help me fight the witches. I don’t know if they are normal guys or warlocks.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Worst park ever

I am walking through a large obstacle course. It has the structure of a wooden roller coaster. The obstacles are spread out over where the track would be and are staffed as if it is an amusement park. I see Mr. Clean logos on the pipes running along the side. A girl with a hose tries to spray me, but I duck. Then there is a line of people waiting to complete the next task, throwing a ball through a hole next to a clown face on a hanging tarp. Kids are trying to sneak past people legs to cut in line. Teenagers are paid minimum wage to run the booth and wear the clown outfit.

I pull Stacy out of the road.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Flirting doesn't pay

Me and another guy are walking through a park. We stop at a stone table where some some girls are playing cards. They are piles of chips changing hands with each round. The girls flirt, thinking that the guy I’m with is rich. One asks me something and I reply, “His rich friends don’t give me any money.” Then I say, “what’s your name?” The first girl thinks I’m talking to her and starts to answer. I interrupt, point to her friend and say, “No, I was talking to her.” The first girl is upset, but the second is flattered. People start to gather around, I think they are watching the card game. But they are really starring at me and the guy I’m with as if something is wrong with us. I think that we look normal, but the people are acting like we’re too normal. We slowly walk through the crowd and start to leave the park. When we reach the street, we are arrested by a single detective in an old fashioned cop uniform. He throws us into the back of a truck that has school bus type seats in the back. It is full of other prisoners. The truck starts moving and I fall off the back. I grab a hold of the bumper. And hang on for dear life as the truck tears down streets and around corners. The truck stops in front of a small concert hall. The detective is leading the guy I was with inside, he is wearing a suit. I follow them, but stop because I am wearing prison stripes. The truck that I just let go of, tips over onto its side as if in slow motion and then it flips upside down and slides down the street.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Party time

Picking the strings of an electric guitar with 2 black kids lying on the floor of my childhood room with me. It sounds like I can really play along I am just running my fingers along the strings. I turn the guitar upside down and play the top of the neck instead of the base. It actually sounds pretty cool. Then a tall man enters complaining about the noise or type of music we’re playing. I’m scared of this guy, who is he and how did he get in? He steps into the room from the doorway. Suddenly, Dad is behind him and sneaks his arm around the guy’s neck. Dad’s hand is about to close over the guy’s mouth. It looks as though is going to jerk the guy out the room while gagging and choking him. I am relived that Dad is there to rescue me. Then I see a look of concern on Dad’s face, as if he can’t hurt anyone. He hesitates, then lowers his arm before it even touches the guy. Instead Dad and the guy back out of the room. I don’t hear anything and worry if Dad is ok. I jump up and run into the hall. I see a group of young guys standing by the front door and living room talking to Dad. David and John from Cleveland are trying to explain why they brought their friends to our house. Dad is ready to kick them all out. Then I see another guy on his knees in the hall bathroom, he pukes into the hall toilet. I tell Dad that these guys can’t go anywhere. Dad already realizes that they are no shape to leave. The same guy in the bathroom or another one of them throws up on my shoulder.

Go to a house in a suburb with Sharon. It is her parent’s house (I don’t know if it is her Mom or Dad’s place). There is an old man next door hitting golf balls into a pitching green. The entire lawn of his backyard is covered in golf balls. We go inside and hang out at the kitchen or dining room table. We make plans to go out later, discuss which bar we want to meet up at and when. But there is a TV show on at 9 that I want to watch.

Thursday, September 18, 2003


Stacy and I are loading my stuff into the back seat of a car. There are two cardboard boxes about the size of the ones that printer paper or maybe cases of bottle beer come in. They are full of liquor and I am nervous about taking them. I try to give them to PJ who is standing in the driveway. But he doesn’t really want to put them in his house. I don’t want to have to put them in my locker at school, so I don’t know what to do with them.

In an office, a man is showing me three instruments that used to catch criminal. He points out the first two and tells me their names. The third he calls a “criminologist” and it is a white rectangle the size of a thick pad of paper with a thin hose coming out of the front top. There is a pen or microphone attached to the other end of the tube. Either by writing or speaking it records something on the pad.

A tall, black guy drops off a large roll of worn paper at my desk. He drops it on the floor behind my chair, we speak for a moment then he walks off. I unroll it and it is the Walt Disney World Pirates of the Caribbean Poster that I used to own. I hang it on the cubical wall behind my chair, then move it to the wall to my right. Someone says cool poster and I look around my cube and see Krissy. My cube wall extends and is also a wall of her cube. Is has the effect of creating a narrow hallway from my desk to hers. I offer to remove the poster, in fact I want to move it because I don’t want to share it with her. But she likes where it is hanging.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


On a monorail at an airport. A woman runs up but the door is closed and she misses the train. It pulls out and travels above a freeway. I hear someone say, “Those girls are naked.” I look out the window and there is a large group of girls standing on a rooftop deck. Some are fully dressed and some are topless. They look as if nothing usual is going on. The group is walking towards a stairwell in the center of the deck. My eye goes to one girl wearing nothing but black underwear that almost looks like a swimsuit bottom. Her breasts bounce as she walks. I scan the rest of the group and notice that most of the other girls look much younger or at least have much smaller breasts. I think what if those girls are just kids and look away. As I turn my head, I notice that several of the girls have crossed their arms across their chests.

I am walking along the sidewalk of a town that does not allow liquor to be sold after midnight. I go into a restaurant and ask for a table. The hostess tells me that they are closed and I ask, “What about the back room?”

Monday, September 15, 2003


Going to a movie with Blambo and a group of other people. They all want to go to an earlier showing.

I am in line to go through security at an airport. I am carrying a tennis bag with a fitted, zipper pocket on the side for a tennis racket. There is a taped grip handle sticking out of the fitted sleeve of the pocket. Security personal set my bag on the ground behind the conveyor belt instead of sending it through the x-ray machine. A woman in front of me is looking at typed page with several other typed papers stapled to it. There are corrections marked in red. She or one of the security guys flips through the pages. Her boss calls her into his office to go over the changes, but he is really going to sexually harass her. I don’t know how I know this and there is nothing I can do.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Let's meet later

I’m with Mom and Dad sitting in our old van with the thin stripes down the sides. The stripes are the colors of a rainbow, but not in a rainbow pattern. The van in parked along a deserted sidewalk down the street from an office building. Danny and Sharon walk by and almost keep going until I climb out of the van and call their name. They say hello and keep walking as if it is no surprise or big deal to see me. I go with them towards the building to go up to their office. Either Brooke or Stacy is with me. I turn back and tell Mom and Dad to come along. They start to follow, leaving the van doors open and unlocked. The interior lights are also on. Danny and Sharon continue walking to the building. I follow slowly, waiting for Mom and Dad. Danny, Sharon and Stacy or Brooke enter the building. I make sure Mom and Dad are following, then enter through tall glass and brass doors. I see the group across the crowded lobby. I catch up to Danny and Sharon as Mom and Dad enter. They are wearing 70s gym shorts and T-shirts that are way too tight. The shirts have banded collars and characters on them. I think Dad’s is Woodstock.

Friday, September 12, 2003

Wheel and deal

I’m standing outside of a fast-food restaurant driving to buy weed from the cars that pull up to order at the drive-thru. But the drive thru speaker isn’t behind the building, it’s at the same side as the window and across the parking lot. So when a car pulls up to order, they stop at the curb away from the building and order through their passenger-side window. A car or two pulls up and I try to buy weed from each driver. I have a password which a rap lyric to a song that was popular a few years ago. I say it to each car, expecting the driver to hand over a bag of pot. I beat up town car pulls up and I try a different lyric. The driver is an ugly black man with a pug face and a two-inch afro that is grey in patches. When I say the password, he asks, “What do you want?” and I ask if he has any pot. He hands me one very skinny joint and says “that’ll be 30 bucks.” I think he’s nuts and offer 15 which I still think is too much although I’m not at all sure how much a baggie costs in NYC. He goes off on my offer and almost starts to yell about the primo quality of this marijuana calling it by a descriptive name based on where it was grown. I’m a little worried by his outburst. Will he attract attention or is there a chance he might freak out and attack me? I also wonder if the pot is really that great. So we settle on a price of $20.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Late to tailgate

I am waiting to write the specials on a chalkboard in a restaurant.

Talking to McKenzie, we’re both going to a Jimmy Buffett concert. He tells me he got his ticket for 50 bucks and holds up two of them. He his taking his girlfriend. I say that I paid like 500 dollars for my ticket and ask how he got his so cheap. He says he used I’m going to the concert alone, so we decide to meet up for the show. I have to go home and change first. It’s alright after 8:30, so I better hurry. I pull into garage, it is raining. Then I’m leaving house in a hurry to meet him. I am wearing a gray sweater and black slacks, not right for Buffett but it’s too late to change. It’s already 9:10. I try to grab some beer in the garage, but there is only melting ice in the cooler. I find the receipt for my ticket in my jacket packet. It only has a total of like 60 or 70 bucks, but it’s hard to figure out because there are two columns of numbers.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Family feud

Stacy is on stage in a theatre that looks like the one from the Muppet Show. She is wearing a funny, yellow costume. I am sitting in the audience and we get in a fight. She is yelling at me from the stage. I am not aware if there is anyone else in the theater, but think there was an audience there.

Dad and I are in the basement of a hotel. A woman turns off the furnace. When the flames die down, I see the skeletons of a woman holding a young child. They lie inside a ring of little vents like the gas fireplace in Mom and Dad’s living room. They bodies were positioned by someone before they were cremated. I wonder if Dad did that.
I am in a ballroom (of the same hotel?) for a wedding reception. Mom and Dad are there. I walk up to a table and talk to Chad and Monica.

Tuesday, September 9, 2003


I go into Chequer’s seafood restaurant. The building is not the same, but I talk to a few people that I knew. The menus are in a nice, hard cover instead of the paper ones I printed out with the specials everyday.

Having dinner in NYC with Danny, Sharon, Len and others, maybe Cameron and Dalia. As we are walking out, I see Karl from ballooning at another table. I stop to say hello and Jerry and Kathy Compass are sitting with him. We exchange warm greetings. Then I see that Mr. Funke is sitting at the head of the table across from me. He wasn’t there a minute ago. I say it’s great to see him. Then suddenly it is Mom and Dad at the table and then grandma and grandpa. Grandpa asks Dad if he should order me a drink. Dad tells me to have my entire group join them. I want to at least introduce everyone, but they have already walked towards the front of the restaurant and perhaps out the door. Mom says that I should take all my friends over to their house. I think of our house in Louisville and say that it’s too far. But mom means their new house in Ohio. I leave and meet Stacy at that house. I’m sorry that my New York friends couldn’t come all this way but then think that it only took me a minutes to get there.

I’m inside a construction site. A work crew is clearing out a large warehouse type room. Two by fours form the shell of the walls. I look through long narrow boxes, checking which ones are full of trash and which contain equipment that needs to be loaded up. Soon there is nothing left. Detective Lenny Briscoe from the TV show Law and Order comes in and asks me what I’m doing. I step outside and join Mom and Dad in a grassy field. We are standing in the middle of a new subdivision, they are searching for something. I point to a new house and say that the shack used to be there. I tell them about a pile of debris and old clothes that used to be in the field behind it. We start to walk over there to look, but a woman stops us and says that we can’t go over there because it will bother the dog. We talk about how this neighborhood is being built on an old farm. I tell Mom and Dad about a house that has a tunnel built into it that leads to a cave. I remember it from another dream that had a fraternity performing ceremonies in the cave. Mom, Dad and I head across the field towards the house. I am annoyed to notice that the woman is joining us. I slide under a barbed wire fence and then we climb over one. Then we are climbing up a high fence that I didn’t see a moment ago. On the other side is another wire fence. Suddenly we are in the middle of rows of wire fences. It is as if a maze has sprung up around us.

Monday, September 8, 2003

Do what's right

I am jogging through a suburban neighborhood. I run down a cul-de-sac towards what I think is Melissa’s house from growing up. There are a group of people standing in the yard and some kids playing in another yard. I pick up speed as I round the circle of the dead end street. My feet are flying as I pass the kids. I see Paul’s (from scouts) sister sitting in the yard in front of the kids. She is smoking a cigarette and returns my wave as I wiz past. Suddenly I am riding a bike through the suburb until the main road ends at cross street. I get off the bike and walk across the street towards where Tommy (from work) and 2 other guys are standing in a yard. I limp as if my knees are locked together and Tommy makes fun of me by flapping his arms and legs and making the retard noise that kids do when they’re making fun of handicapped kids. I stop when I realize those guys are laughing at me and a white car almost hits me, braking hard and stopping a few feet from me.

I’m a young boy trying to buy a potato from a wood shack fruit and vegetable stand in the country. (This entire dream takes place in black and white) The vendor, an older man in white apron tells me there are no potatoes to be had. But is he unloading a crate of potatoes into a pile as he talks. I know there is a shortage of food that the man won’t sell them to me because he can charge more than I can afford. I wonder if this is the great depression. I pick out a potato that has begun to sprout. There are two gray bumps pushing their way out from the skin. I tell the man, “This one has two bad spots, sell me this one for two good pennies.” I extend my open hand to him revealing about 10 or twelve pennies. About half are dull and worn but the rest shine like new. The farmer replies that me and the boy that is waiting outside for me might as well go out and pick potatoes from the fields. I’m not sure if means that we can pick his crops for pay or that we a pick some for us to eat. I bite into a raw potato and start eating it as an agreement of whatever deal he is offering. “It’ll be a slow heavy load,” he says.

Sunday, September 7, 2003


Driving in a storm in my Civic. I look in the rear view mirror and see a stream of water leaking through the rear window at the base of the back windshield wiper.

Friday, September 5, 2003

Wild rides

A guy is chasing me through a parking lot. I jump into a small car the size of a go-cart. I think I am losing him, but then I see him dart across the blacktop in a tiny, faster car. I jump up and run to a van that is getting ready to pull out of a parking spot. It is a custom van with a handicap ramp on the side. A woman has just loaded her kid in and secured the wheelchair. I jump into the closer door with the ramp and yell for her to drive. I duck beneath the level of the windows and convince the woman to pull away so the man won’t see me. She drives to an amusement park and to my dismay right onto the tracks of a large wooden roller coaster. There are bright lights at the top of every hill. I decide to take a picture of the scene. I stand up with my camera but it takes a few up and downs for me to get the hang of aiming the camera and taking a shot at the right time. (the vehicle we are in is now a convertible.) Right as I’m finally ready for the perfect shot, the woman tells me not to take a picture, because this the big hill were the amusement park takes your picture on the way down and sells the photo to each tourist at the end of the ride.

On a tour of some kind of house with Mom and Dad. In a kitchen with 50s decor. I meet a chick. Then she and I are in the back seat of car that Mom and Dad are driving down a highway. The girl and I are flirting and it is clear that I am going to sleep with her. She asks me something about Brooke, like if we are serious or if I care about her.

Tuesday, September 2, 2003

Long night

Shopping for a shirt and trying to find a guy. I see him next to a stack of products on display in PDQ trays. We get in a car and drive to a house on the corner of a residential street. The driveway is on the other side of the corner, but we pull into the yard on this side and drive around to the backyard. Through the large living room window around back, I see Sean from high school and Missy from work sitting on the couch inside. We enter the house and talk to two black guys sitting in the room with them. They describe a bunch of rival gangs starting a gang war. Missy seems to be in charge of their gang. The two guys tell the white guy I am with to leave. But then a fireball erupts outside and it is not safe to leave the house.

Following a group of people through a quaint town overlooking a valley of beautiful countryside. There is a church and graveyard of white tombstones on the distance hillside. All around are fields of flowers and green trees. I climb onto a giant log hung by chains from a giant pole or tree for a better view. The log begins to spin in circles around the pole. I straddle the log and ride as it gets faster. After several revolutions I jump off and in midair grab a rope that is hanging just outside the path of the log. I swing down into the sand of a playground.

Walk into the courtyard of a large house for a ceremony. I don’t know if it is cultural or religious. I sit at a wooden table with other men, then I stand and piss into a bowl of salad at my place setting. The bowl fills until the lettuce is floating in urine. Then a man dressed like a tribal chieftain priest takes the bowl and burns the entire thing as if with a blowtorch. It leaves behind charred remains that look like a hunk of wood turned to ash. He picks it up like a hamburger and we all eat it without concern even though I know it should be great. Someone take pictures of eating, several close up that show it great detail. We go through customs at the airport and they look through the pictures but show no reaction until they see a man in the background of one shot. He is a cultural mogul and they say he is wanted for reading out a controversial poem. They detain us to ask questions about him.

I’m walking with a group of people I know going to school. I don’t know what class we are going to. Then I realize I don’t know what school we are going to or where it is and I wonder why I am going to school and not work. Then the school bus drives through a parking lot full of piles of donations for Goodwill. There is stuff everywhere and the bus weaves through it, driving close to the side of a row of tall slum buildings. The bus speeds up a bit and bumps the side of a building but keep going. A big TV from the early 80s falls from a fire escape several stories up. It crashes to the ground and several people duck and run away. Expect for a teenage black girl. She was standing still as the TV fell and she did not flinch when it slams into the ground right next to her, nor did she move as the TV splinters beside her with a crash.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Money to burn

There is a pile of stuff sitting by the curb on wet grass. Has it been raining? Is the stuff trash or the belongings of a person that has been evicted? I start to go through it and realize it is debris from a house fire. I begin finding valuable junk. A black man hovers nearby and starts going through the pile. I try to work a deal with him to guard the stuff while I go get my car to load it up. I promise to spilt everything with him. I know he has no reason to trust me and that he’ll probably just grab what he can and take off. So there would be plenty of junk left for me. Then I turn over a board or a thick stack of paper. Underneath I discover a wet, muddy, blackened soaked pile of money. I hurriedly grab the pile, scooped up pieces of random wet paper with it. I gather the pile to my chest trying to cover the money. I keep talking to the man as I struggle to gather up the money, keep him from seeing what I am doing and digging through the debris looking for more cash. I grow more frantic and clutch the arm-load of filthy paper to my chest.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Time to celebrate

I’m with 2 or 3 women in a hole in the wall but trendy restaurant. I run into Dave inside the front entrance, he is fall down drunk. I take him back to his apartment, but I don’t recognize it as anyplace that he has ever lived.

Brooke and I climb into a Hummer limo. It is as big as a semi truck and I’m driving it through a college campus and onto the city street. It’s impossible to turn, the giant steering wheel almost bigger than my arms can reach. I near hit things or tip over as I navigate the streets. The interior is big enough to walk around in. Brooke stumbles through the cabin, thrown about by the turns.

In a shoddy outdoor concert venue. Jimmy Buffett is on stage. Brooke and I sit on the top row with a chain link fence behind us. In the middle of a song, the sound cuts out. Buffett keeps singing, it seems the people in front of the stage can hear just fine. Realizing the speakers to the upper levels aren’t coming back on, most everyone gets up and start to leave. But then Jimmy Buffett steps up to a microphone stand a few rows below us and say that the upper levels are in for a treat. Then he re-starts the concert from a mini stage just to the right of our seats. I get up to get close and take a picture of him. I sit on a stone column that supports the fence. Buffett ends and song and is talking to a woman in the crowd. Then he steps forward and starts talking to me. I try handing my camera to someone to take a picture but Brooke is not around. A girl takes our picture with her silver camera and someone else takes my black camera and snaps a picture of Buffett and I posed with our arms over each other’s shoulders.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Go cats!

Stac and I are driving in my car in the rain. We’re are cruising down an empty highway and I am watching the rain change intensity as I drive. I crack my window and a few streams of water roll in and along the ceiling above me. I worry about it dripping onto my seat. Stacy reaches up to wipe the beads of water away and I stop her. I think that touching the roof will cause more water to leak in as if the top of the car was like the canvas tents I slept under in the Smoky Mountains with the Boy Scouts. (The oil of your skin would break the seal of the waterproofing in the canvas causing a steady drip of water to leak through wherever you touched. Usually right above my head as I was lying down and trying to fall asleep. I could never resist reached up with my fingertip just to see if it would happen again this time.) We drive past the entrance to a Galleria; I ask Stacy where we should go in. We drive on to a stadium that is connected to the Galleria. I recognize this complex from another dream. We run through the underground parking and passageways to a stairway leading to the stadium seats and floor. The University of Louisville cheerleaders are lined up at the bottom of the stairs. I say to Stacy that we just made it. She replies, “For what, half-time?” I tell her that the cheerleaders run out before the start of the game. There are more male cheerleaders than girls. One of the guys is holding an old blue, square-shaped bag. Someone asks him what it is and he yells a 3 phrase cheer that ends with “Cats is Cats.” He asks his fellow cheerleaders what that cheer means, is it their motto? Stacy and I have continued up the stairs, but she turns around at says to the group, “Yes, that is our motto from years ago and next year.”

Monday, August 18, 2003

Sales force

I am being followed. One and sometimes two men are trailing me through a shopping mall. I am with an older guy, a Harrison Ford type, he is teaching me how to spot and lose a tail. Mainly we just stop short, duck quickly into stores or double back. The guys keep chasing us, even though they have to know that we are aware of them following us. But they kept staying behind, trying to keep out of sight.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Sales force

I am in a normal convenient store with Brooke. I see a doorway and wander into a different room. It is a porn shop with videos on shelves everywhere. I see a woman wearing lingerie and a weave through the aisles trying to catch her eye and check her out. Then I realize that there are several girls in similar sexy outfits throughout the store. They are just pimping merchandise.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Show time

A high school play. I am sitting in the front row. Rows of theatre seats circle the stage. Heather and Tara sit across from me on the opposite side of the stage.

Climbing into a treehouse. Roy is wearing a boa and has tattoos. Several teachers are there. A trucker sees them. A teacher chases him behind some houses.

Driving down a street of carnival games. There is a girl in the car. We pull into a casino hotel. It is all one giant basement casino, it’s all we can see. She goes to check in and I grab my bag and one of her suitcases and follow.

Sitting around a dining room table with a family that is not mine. The grandfather is talking to me and trying to decide what to eat. He gets up and goes to the kitchen, then comes back and decides to eat with the family. The boy sitting across from me at the table is gone. He got up and said in a funny deep voice, “Excuse me, I got to go talk to the ladies.” I see him with two girls outside the restaurant and I laugh at him.

Monday, August 4, 2003

Hit it

In a large green park, there are rows of cars parked on the grass of one field. One old blue car sits by itself in the middle of all the other cars. It is a classic although I can’t tell the make. It restored to perfect condition and the paint glistens. I open the door and slide onto the bench seat behind the wheel. I almost expect to find the key in the ignition. Instead I think of Langston’s 64 Chevy that ran if you pulled the key out and the time he claimed that you could start a bulldozer with your thumbnail. So I stick my thumbnail into the ignition and turn. The car starts and I drive off. As I am pulling away, a young Spanish boy runs up beside the car door. He doesn’t yell, just tries to bang on the window. As I drive off, he runs alongside until I pull onto the street. As I drive down the block, I realize that stealing the boy’s car is wrong. And I want to stop. But I fear being caught. I drive another block or two down a steep hill and pull off to the side of street. The side of the street is a ditch and I have pulled the car over too far so that it will be difficult to pull back onto the street. I don’t want to risk moving it. So I walk off, up the sidewalk back the way I came. A few houses down on the sidewalk begins a yard sale that looks to stretch up the block for several houses. I notice a criss-crossing mesh made of wood that covers the back of a piece of furniture. As I walk past, I hear two old ladies discussing the dresser. One points out to the other that the wooden latticework only runs down the back of the dresser.

I am talking to someone and say “Every pizza calling out for extra cheese.” I go on to list other examples of excess.

Saturday, August 2, 2003

Good action, needs better dialogue

As I turn my office chair towards the hall, Christina walks up to me in a bikini. She turns around so that her back is right in front of my face and asks me to tie her top. I just stare at the strings and then at her arm draped across her breasts. She sits on my lap and my hands grab her waist on each side. She begins grinding me as if giving me a lap dance. She feels my cock get hard and says, “That’s a nice length and width.” My hands drift upwards to cup her breasts.

Friday, August 1, 2003


I’m playing an oversized pinball machine in an empty bar. The pinballs are slightly smaller than baseballs and each is a different color or texture and made of random materials like rubber. One of the balls gets stuck in a mesh wire tube that feeds the balls into the playing area.

Walking down a sidewalk, I see a guy repealing down the side of a building. As he descends, he is writing something in giant letters down the side of the building. It seems to be directions or a location. Then I look over at the rest of the building and it is covered in shaving cream writing, like a paragraph inviting people to a party in the building.

At a party, I sit on top of a tall bank of speakers with a few other guys. We are all wearing tuxedos and drinking cocktails. A girl invites me to go to another party with her. There is a huge buffet of food outside against a brick wall. I go back several times to try different dishes.

My voice is speaking as if I am a narrator of the scene of a man and woman. I say, “He did it once by ________ and once by crow.” I mean that she made him cum by hand and then using her mouth.

A man forces a girl to steal explosives from work. I see the theft happen from the perspective of the girl. She goes to a storage shed and takes a bag of black powder. It is sealed and packaged like a bag of flour.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Innocent flashback

I’m in the Air Force, flying in a bomber. Kyle is in charge. We’re going through a mid-air refueling. There is a hatch on the inside of the plane on the wall towards the front. The other side of this hatch is where the hose connects outside the plane. Kyle is telling us what to do. Another guy is standing at the ready by the hatch with his hand on a valve. Kyle tells us to be ready because he must turn the value as soon as the refueling is finished. I stand next to the guy, listening to the fuel rush through the hose. I press my ear to the side of the plane listening for the telltale sound of the pump shutting off. I feel under intense pressure, we must do everything exactly right. The fueling stops and the guy flips the value. I go to the front of the plane and give the tanker plane a thumbs up. But the tanker is already dropping behind and banks away. They don’t see my gesture of thanks. The crew gathers in conversation at the center of the plane. Some one asks if I mind having to kill people. I do, but not if it is the enemy and not innocents. Some one says, I don’t care if it’s (So and so?) we’ve got a job to do. Kyle says to me, “I don’t care if we run into Eddie Guerra down there, I don’t want to see any shit like time. I realize he is referring to a fight I got into standing up to a racist. Then I think that that fight took place in another dream, as if this one contained a flashback.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003


Jimmy Buffett is playing at a small, outdoor venue. There is a raised stage surrounded by wooden picnic tables. The area is surrounded by wooden plank building on one side and a chain link fence on the other side. Beyond the fence is a gravel lot. I’m there with Dave and someone else. I’m excited because the crowd is so small that we’ll probably get to meet Buffett after the show. I get up and head to the bathroom. I sit in a stall. And then I am talking to an old man. Dave calls my cell, it rings once and then hangs up. I realize I left our table 25 minutes ago.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003


Blair is showing me a photo album of bunch of pictures of him with different celebrities. I don’t care, since he doesn’t actually know any of them. We are standing in the lobby of some convention center. I assume it is some kind of fan event. Another PR event or autograph sale that Blair always goes to. Then Tommy Lee from Motley Crue walks up and starts talking to him. Tommy Lee ends up giving me a back stage pass for later.

I am in a race like The Amazing Race TV show. But I am by myself against other people. I’m driving recklessly, trying to pass and stay ahead of other teams. I’m barreling down a highway and traffic gets backed up. I pass a team stuck in traffic by driving on the side of the road. I scan the cars as I fly pass them, looking for other teams. I look back ahead of me and see a semi truck parked on the side of the road. I can’t merge back into the slow traffic, so I run off into the grass to pass the truck. The car spins wildly out of control. I regain control and head back to the road. Traffic is back to a rapid pace and I look for a space to merge in. I’m at a stand still on the side of the road and try to pull out in front of a car but it is moving to fast. I wait a moment then pull out into the next break in traffic. The car seems to move in slow motion as I try to speed up. Two guys jump out of a pick up truck behind me. I cut them off and they run up to my car to kick my ass. They yell and run and are actually keeping up to the car. Why won’t it move, damn it? Finally I speed up and leave them behind. Suddenly I’m in the next stage of the race, running down a mountain trail. I can see a park below and other people on the trail. But I don’t know where my competition is. I slide down a steep but small incline as a short cut to bypass a switchback in the trail. I hit the ground running towards the park.

I'll get you

Matt Damon chasing someone. Then I take the place of Matt Damon in the chase.

Monday, July 21, 2003

We're all in this together

Living in a large apartment complex with buildings 5 or 6 stories down. A girl sees me walking by and runs up to me. She knows me and I recognize here, but don’t remember her. She takes me into an apartment a few buildings down. Inside I meet a bunch of people. I recognize all or most of them from Disney, but do not know their names. A group of 4 or 5 whites girls and guys are standing around or sitting at a table. I talk to a black guy sitting on the arm of an armchair. There is a video game in the living room and another one in the kitchen. Also in the kitchen is a group of black guys I don’t know.

I board a wooden ship. I meet the captain who is wearing a giant foam animal costume like the host of a children’s show. There are several young adults around, they must be the crew. It feels like a TV show, but it is a real boat about to set sail.
The Captain and I are walking through a parking garage and 2 guys in an old car jump out and attack him. I hide behind a dumpster. Then a gang of kids starts searching for me. Two black girls find me and the gang surrounds me. The girls threaten me, and then start to beat me up.

Walking with a cop or detective through a dark night on a cement path. He is wearing normal clothes. We are walking through a park or open area leading to the waterfront. We are being followed or watched. A helicopter above seems to be tracking us, but we cross in front of a series of spotlights in the ground pointed at flagpoles. The glare of the lights hides us from the copter. We go down to a dock to board a boat to cross the bay to the big city on the other side. The boat acts as a shuttle service for a fancy hotel in the city. There is a line of people boarding. A porter stops the line because the boat is full. We are stuck waiting on the dock with a few rich people in formal dress.

I am sitting on the toilet in a fancy bathroom of the hotel. A headline of a newspaper jumps out at me. I leave the stall and sit on a sofa and begin tearing it out. My pants are hanging unfastened at my thighs. My shirt tale hangs down over my belt. The foyer of the bathroom looks more like an ornate drawing room. There is an oriental carpet, dark wood tables and plush sofas. An older woman sits in a chair nest to me. She should not be in the men’s room, but now I can’t get up. I go ahead and start tearing out the headline. A man standing behind a sofa across the group of furniture says that I can’t do that. I reply, “And yet I am.”

Thursday, July 17, 2003


Brooke and I are in a car chase. I am driving a Jeep or truck and we are being chased by men in cars. It starts among city streets, then we race through the woods. We end up driving through a barren landscape. The earth is scorched. Two people in raged clothes have just put a mid-sized branch and a rock in the road, as if building a roadblock. We easily pass by or over it. And I turn off the road onto a side path. We get out of the car as ragged man carrying a bundle of shaved, thick branches crosses our path.

Running through an orate house, trying to escape. Someone is with me but I don’t know who. It may still be Brooke. We enter a room and at the far end is a door to the outside. But we have to defeat an oriental woman to make our escape. She does a series of leaps around the room (ala Crouching Tiger, Hidden Tiger) and I see another woman outside about to come into the room and join the fight. I slam the door on her. Then we dart out. We start running down the street and I see a blonde girl sandwiched between guys behind us. I yell for her to follow us. The thugs on either side of her fall as if shot and she runs after us. We run straight towards two guys in suits. Their shirts, tie and lapels all match in a crazy floral or paisley pattern. One guy in orange and the other in a different color. I say, “I like your suits” as they shoot us. They shoot one of us in the shoulder and the other in the leg, but there are no bullets. Instead we are hit with some kind of tiny tranquilizer dart.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Dumpster diving

I was grabbing Nike sneakers out of a dumpster. I want to save and sell them, but I can’t carry them all.

Monday, July 7, 2003

Back to school

Trying to pay for parking at a machine in the lot. It looks like the kind where each space has a numbered slot and you just fold up your bills and stuff them in. But this one has a coin slot and meter for each space. A bunch of change, mostly quarters falls out and I start picking them up. I have one handful of coins and keep picking more up as a few other people gather around waiting to pay for their space. I realize they are waiting on me and I still have to pay. I don’t know the number of my space. So I turn to go and a girl accuses me of not paying. I say I have to find my number and cross the lot towards my car. It is in the first space in the lot, but it is labeled #2. Number 1 is the grass next it and is labeled #1 Emergency Parking only.

I walk into an English class and see the other students working. One is discussing a story with someone next to him. I realize I didn’t do the reading for homework or bring the book to class. I throw my books onto a desk and yell, “Did we have homework? I’ve got to get my shit together.” Then I notice the professor sitting at his desk in the middle of the room. He has long gray hair and a weird face.

There is a party being thrown in the office of the Dean of Harvard. Two other guys are calling people up through the window. We are the ones having the party. Three girls walk in and I have an urge to surprise a particular one of them by grabbing and kissing her right as she walks in the door. Instead I end up talking to all three of them on a couch at the back of the room. I am trying to pick at least two of them up. Later I am in a crowded swimming pool and see the three girls. Everyone is just hanging out.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003


At a high school graduation taking place in a dull hotel conference room with row after row of chairs. I am surrounded by my high school classmates and strangers. Each one of us has to stand up front at a podium to give a speech. I worry that I didn’t prepare anything and struggle to think of something wonderful to say. Then I realize that no one is listening to anyone else that is speaking, so I stop worrying about it. People are talking amongst themselves and drinking beer from cans or plastic cups. I look around and when I turn back, my beer and all the other containers have been cleared. A girl behind me has a shopping bag full of cups and cans. I point the bag then lean over and take a half empty cup of beer from the top of the pile. She says something to stop me and a teacher walks back from the front of the room and leads me to the front. I worry that she is going to make me give my speech next but she directs me to a blackboard at the back of the stage. The student speaking continues droning on while all of this has happened. The teacher tells me to write something on the board, but I can’t hear her. So instead I write something about skirts. Some people laugh and then I return to my seat. Most of the kids in the last few rows get up and leave early. Then are going to drink in a bar in a mall and I get up to follow them.

I am outside a school running down a sidewalk and through grass. I am trying to catch up to a guy walking ahead of me and I approach him as he joins a group of guys on a soccer field. I am excited about graduating. I don’t have to worry about grades now even though there are a few days of classes left.

I crawl through a barbed wire fence over dusty ground. The surrounding terrain is rocky and dry. There is a child’s bike lying on its side in the dust just beyond the fence. I finally make it through the fence and go into a brown castle. It is made from rock or adobe mud. Then I am on top of tall tower of the castle and it begins moving. The entire round top of the tower floats up and away from the rest of the building. I am floating in the top of the tower as if it was a hot air balloon. It is as big as a room and continues to rise. Soon it is floating high above the trees. I look down and see that the castle is part of huge amusement park although I see no rides. I worry about how far it will drift and how I will get back. But it lands a few blocks away. I recognize the area and think it isn’t far to walk back. I pick up and carry the top of the tower with me. I intend to throw it in the lake or put in on top of my office building as a prank.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Cheese it, it's the fuzz.

I am in a car chase, driving my Honda civic Si. Cops are chasing me and I lose them among city streets. I park at a stadium and get out and walk. I intend to cut through the stadium to the other side to get away. I am walking through a crowd in an underground or interior passageway. Two security guards call for me to stop and ask if I am Brian Thompson. The cops must have discovered my car in the lot.

Monday, June 16, 2003

Writing that gets under your skin

There is a girl sitting in a classroom. She has poetry written all the way up her leg. The tattooed letters are formed by tiny daisies.

Sunday, June 8, 2003


Lane and Steve from work are driving a semi truck through a field. It is making crazy turns and circles at high speeds. I chase it on foot and jump aboard by hanging by a handle. Then I am driving the truck inside a hotel. It cruises through the lobby and fits neatly down a hall. It whips down hallways and around corners. Then Lane is driving and the hall is blocked by a train of carts like room service or the maids. She tries to make a turn and rig jackknifes. But as it tips over, it turns into several tiny trailers linked together like grocery carts in a parking lot. They fall on their side against the carpet of the hall.

I am hiking through the woods with a group of 4 people. We are our some kind of team following clues. I explore a winding trail on my own and it circles me back to the group. As I rejoin them, we see a series of orange flags hanging from branches across the woods. But the path we are on does not lead there. Someone suggests taking the trail I was just on since we know where it goes. I argue we can cut through the woods if we keep the flags in sight.

Friday, June 6, 2003

Pay your own way cowboy

I leave to get away and end up in line behind Mom and Dad going into a country bar. The cashier or bouncer asks if we are together and Dad doesn’t pay my cover.

Tuesday, June 3, 2003

Ninja training

I’m at the building site of a house. The wood frame has recently been walled by plywood. I walk up and start to talk to a small group of boys sitting up on a beam of wood. They sit almost level to my chest as I stand there. And they have been playing with triangles of scrap wood about the size of saucers. There game consists of throwing them against the wall behind me like throwing stars. Their scraps of wood fly into the plywood and dig in like a knife. There are even splinters of wood from the wall projecting around them. One of boys tries to run off as I talk but I sit him back down and borrow his triangle of wood. I throw it at the wall and it bounces harmlessly off.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Get up

Don, my old Creative Director, is giving me a pep talk for a job interview. He is upbeat and positive, but I feel indifferent.

I walk into a bathroom in an amusement park. There are no stalls, just doors set in the walls. One wall is a large mirror, but it is a two-way mirror with a view of the woman’s restroom next door. Two nuns are at the sink. The young one says I can hear men passing water and flushing.” A slutty hot chick in a low cut top walks in. I stare at her cleavage. Then she and the other girl (the cute nun, now in normal clothes) are in the men’s room with me. One of the girl’s is now the actress that plays Joey on Dawson’s Creek. She is telling a story very earnestly. Before she finishes, we all leave. The park is being cleared by security. One of the girls thinks she may have forgotten her purse, but we cannot go back.

I am on some kind of dock or loading area. Big equipment is stacked in an evenly spaced row down the entire length. I am sitting next to a giant gun with a barrel that is shaped like a cement mixer. Two government, military looking guys come up and ask me questions about it. The gun is capped for display, but could be made useable. Then two guys in tan, short sleeve buttoned shirts order us to move over next to a piece of construction equipment. They drill us on our id and ask questions from a clipboard. One of them grabs a weird cat and asks if it is ours. As he holds it, I see that it’s eyes are big and unnaturally bright blue. It seems the guy is willing to torture the cat to get information out of us.

Dave and I are in a backyard; we are trying to help a girl leave the house. But she drives a garbage truck that is blocked by junk. We move pieces of debris, trying to clear the truck. A semi-truck pulls out around it and hits it. A guy that looks or acts like a pothead comes up to us and is babbling about holes. But I see no holes in the yard. Dave tries to warn him away and seems ready to use violence to drive him away from us to protect the girl. As Dave leads the guy away, I slide between them and try talking to the guy. He takes us into the house next door, where he wife and kids are watching a Disney-type cartoon. We watch for a moment and suddenly the cartoon switches to some kind of educational documentary with bad production values. I realize and explain that some Christian group has edited out material they deem offensive and have done a poor job of editing in new content. The guy must have been talking about holes in the movie.

Kids playing outside. A big bouncy ball they play with rolls down a hill and into a creek. I go to get it, but a little boy jumps in the creek. His brother is there and I tell him to grab his little brother. The kid ignores me, is he slow? There are other balls floating further down in the creek. I grab the kid by the waist and tell him to jump up on 3. I count 1,2,3, bouncing him up higher on each number trying to lift him. Stacy grabs him from the bank of shore above and pulls him up.

Monday, May 19, 2003

Like the tide

I am playing volleyball with Tim Funke and a bunch of other guys. Go into to a bathroom and try to find a urinal. See someone I know, they are living on a beach.

Thursday, May 8, 2003

The Assassination Game

Several people are trying to shoot me with dart guns as I run through a school. I have been targeted as the man to beat in another game of TAG. A distant dart hits me as I turn a corner. Then I am talking to the principal. He is letting me off the hook for whatever trouble I am in because he wants something from me. He needs my help to find a stolen school sign or scoreboard. He doesn’t know I’m the one that took it.

Then I am trying to get away from everyone chasing me and run to me car in a grassy parking area. Pick-ups are parked close on either side, so that I can’t open my doors. Mom and Dad’s balloon is on a trailer behind one. And one of the trucks hit a van next to it and is parked resting against the dent it made. I pick up the front of the truck and move it away from the dent.

Wednesday, May 7, 2003


I am driving an old VW bug convertible. I have sold my new Civic and spent $8000 on an old car, but now I won’t have to make car payments. The VW is parked in a lot. Instead of backing out of the spot, I pull forward over grass and through the dead branches of a low hanging tree. I feel stupid for abusing my new car.

I have to meet someone to leave for a trip but I don’t know where. We talk on the phone about meeting at a street intersection but I don’t know how I will get there.

I am walking through a strange subdivision. The houses are all big and expensive. Several have their garage doors open and the garages are finished like real rooms. One with huge shelves of toys, another with nice furniture. I walk into one house, surprised to find the front door unlocked. The house feels familiar but isn’t. I walk through rooms and out another door.

Friday, May 2, 2003

At least the interview went well

I’m on a job interview at a New York agency. Someone leads me to a couch in the middle of the creative department. There are offices and people working all around. I sit and wait, but no one comes to talk to me. Eventually, I walk back out to the lobby. I can’t find anyone to help me, so I get ready to leave. As I walk through the lobby, the creative director walks through. He recognizes me and I automatically know who he is. We start talking and I walk with him out of the building as he leaves for the day. We continue talking as we walk down the street towards his car. We approach a corner to cross the street and there is a huge, long snake crawling through a bush and onto the grass on the corner. I am startled and a bit scared watching this giant snake slither on the grass, its head rising towards us. The creative director says something like, “Don’t worry, he’s harmless, he talks to me all the time.” Then he pets the snake on its outstretched head. We walk on and cross through a park.
In the park, I leave the creative director and go up to two young kids, a boy and a girl. They are black and barely older than toddlers. They climb into an SUV to go on a tour. A woman is there, I talk to her and assume she is their chaperon. I see the driver slumped backwards in the driver seat. He lurches forward to grab the steering wheel as if he suddenly awoke. I realize that he is extremely intoxicated. I say, “You’re not driving these kids anywhere and reach in to take the keys from the ignition. As I do so, he drives off. I try to push him into the passenger seat and struggle to take the wheel. He floors the gas and I am bent under the dash pulling on his leg, trying to get his foot off the pedal. I am yelling at him. The car speeds down streets and up a hill. Finally, I have control of the car, but the brakes don’t work or I am unable to press them. I look out the windshield and see that we are approaching a busy intersection. I steer the car towards the island that divides a turn lane of the street on the right from the lanes that go straight through the intersection. The car coasts onto the island, but then rolls off the other side and comes to a stop. I get out and the driver gets out after me. As I support him to stand, a cop car pulls up and an officer jumps out screaming. He asks who was driving, he thinks that we are both drunk. I explain what happens, but am nervous since the officer has his gun drawn. It turns out that the cops had roadblocks set up and snipers shot out the tires of the vehicle in an effort to stop it. That is why I couldn’t control the car and why the cops thought I was driving intoxicated.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

That's what friends are for

In a foreign city, Paris or Amsterdam, I walk through what looks like a bad part of town. There are dark cobblestone streets. I come across two bars or clubs on either side of an alley. On the outer walls of each is a plaque or painted sign that says something about not bringing large pipes or bongs (but it was a different word) inside the establishment. I turn on the next corner and see a few people walking in and out of apartment buildings. There is more sunlight, but large metal gates blocking access to the courtyards of the buildings. I wind up in a crowded square. I recognize someone in the crowd. Then I start seeing a bunch of people I know from high school. I call some guy John, but I don’t actually know him. I see Suzanne across the way, then several others. I am so surprised and excited, that I lose Brooke in the crowd. I follow George Lamb to a tent full of electronics – speakers, wires and computers or broadcast equipment. A man is working on the other side of a bank of machines. I get caught up in some wires and the tape from a VHS cassette wraps around my neck. I struggle but can’t get loose. George gets it off me. Then we walk down a dirt hill. I kick over a large bottle about 3 feet high in front of me. It falls forward and water and some change spill out on the dusty hillside. I grab the bottle and take to replace it upright in place. I realize it looks like my old giant coke bottle bank. I can’t find a level spot where the bottle used to be, so I move it a few feet down the hill and set it on what turns out to be a polished stone plaque of compass directions covered in a thin layer of dirt. I walk down the hill and onto a road.
I walk out to the railing of the inside of a mall, I take an elevator down to the bottom floor. There is a dance club in the middle of the food court.

A family of fat people are at a dock. The parents are super obese, but their children are still able to move around. The kids get in the water and start climbing onto to large torpedo shaped rafts tied behind a large ski boat. The boy says something about pinning the rope of raft under another piece. I point out the proper place to tie it off. Then the boat is flying through the water or a wide river or narrow lake. The rafts are pulled behind like a water-skier. The boat makes a sudden sweeping turn in front of a large rock face of a sharp boulder or cliff. I am hanging on to one of the ropes trailing behind the boat, flying through the air. My feet barely miss hitting the rock as the boat makes it’s turn. The fat people are behind me, they haven’t followed the boat through its turn yet. I pull in rope, it is a struggle, but I haul in enough slack to keep them from smacking into the rock.

I am in my Arkansas apartment listening to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. But it is on the radio not the TV. The crowd is charting something and when they stop, I hear Sam and her friend from Disney and they are chanting “Fernt, Fernt, Fernt.” I get out of bed and call Paul to tell him about it.

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Make way

Langdon and I are talking to a woman in a fancy club or convention center. We are supposed to be setting up or decorating for the event she is hosting. She says something about the roses going here. I point to another room containing several vases of roses on a table and ask if that room will be in use. She says yes. I asked because I want to steal those roses to use since we don’t have any. I figure we can run up to the grocery store and buy roses without the woman knowing. But Langdon either says something or she sees it on her face. She gets upset and can’t believe we aren’t prepared for the job. Langdon and I walk out to the parking lot to go to the mall and find roses. On the Lawn out front to the building is a giant inflatable Snoopy. It is part of our decorations but the head is missing, there is just a rounded nub like the head of a tack where the head should pop onto. I wonder what’s wrong. Then I see that my cousin Julian is setting up the Snoopy balloon and hasn’t yet moved the small red blower fan to inflate the head, which I now see spread out on the ground next to where he crouches checking the balloon. Langdon and I get into a car, but we don’t know which way the mall is.

I am in a school, but I don’t know what room my next class is in. I am near panicking because I don’t know where to go. I also have a meeting about my 401K and I don’t know where that is taking place either. I walk into an open area covered in orange carpet where two hallways meet at a corner. There are a few rows of school desk set up there and Matt is standing next to one. He tells me that this is where our class is meeting. I ask him frantically if he is sure and about my 401K meeting. He says yes and the meeting is in another room. Then instantly I am riding in a boat that is being down a road. It is taking me to me 401K meeting. I walk to the front of the boat and look over the bow. I don’t see any vehicle pulling a trailer. Instead I see a narrow concrete canal that is about as deep as the boat is high. It runs parallel to the road I was on and turns to the right ahead at the upcoming intersection. There are rocks, mud and a few large puddles at the bottom. I realize that the water is too deep for the boat to float on. Yet it is gliding along and I wonder if it is mounted on wheels.

Brooke and I stand on a dock. I am about to take her sailing. Next to the dock is huge sailboat. It belongs to Stacy. The boat has automatic controls to raise and lower the mainsail and cast out or reel in the spinnaker. All you have to do is push one of several buttons along the side of sitting area around the wheel. Even though the boat is at the dock, all of it sails are unfurled and puffed out. The spinnaker is blue and has some red on it perhaps stripes. But the boat doesn’t move even though it doesn’t seem to be tied to the dock at all. We set sail but my perspective changes and I am flying above a river through the thick, green canopy of leaves of jungle palms.

Brooke is standing naked on a snowy hillside or mountain. I see her from a distance but can tell that she is not affected by any cold. She just stands there like a statue and I am moved by the effect of seeing the darkness of her bush set off against the lighter tone of her skin and the whiteness of the snow around her. I am closer to her now and the scene has changed around her to a grassy park. I try to move closer and get a better look at her because I am struck by her beauty. She hides behind a tree for a moment. I call for her to come to me and when I catch sight of her again, she is wearing shorts and a black bikini top.

Friday, April 25, 2003


Grandma walks into an apartment. Grandpa is inside, the TV is on. He yells at her to get out and go back downstairs to her place. Grandma walks down the hall to the elevators, she is carrying a square Styrofoam to-go container full of take-out food. I think how sad it must be to eat alone. Then she asks me if I will sit with her while she eats.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

A pleading look is my only chance

Running through a deserted small town desperately trying to escape. I don’t know from who but the whole town feels like a prison. I reach some railroad tracks and a road towards a train flying by. I don’t even come close to grabbing ahold. I’m supposed to meet someone to leave but don’t know where they are. I sense that people are about to turn onto the street. The only place I can think of to hide is to climb up a railroad crossing sign. I wind up hanging with my arms and legs wrapped around an arm of the sign that extends over the street below like a stoplight. The street below quickly fills with people walking. I see a cop standing on the corner across the street. Then I hear Mom call my name and start to say, “Brian, what are you doing up there?” Stacy is walking beside her and I look directly into her eyes and silently plead with her to ignore me. She and our mom walk below and beyond me without looking up.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003


The job interview isn’t going well. I’m sitting in an office and across the desk sits a woman giving me feedback on an earlier interview with a creative director. She says that I missed a few points and that Febreze is not industrial strength. She explains that they write the copy to make people think that it is, but that it just sounds that way. It all sounds very calculating and manipulative. I say that’s not honest, that I believe the work should be clear. My voice falters, my protest sounds weak and I know I am bombing the interview. But I can’t help myself, I have to speak out.

I am walking behind a woman as she begins to cross a short catwalk that bridges a deep pit. I am walking along the edge of a steep hill, the bridge is to my right. As the woman steps onto the steel mesh of the bridge, she slips and her leg sinks into the mud of the side of the hill. I look down and realize that I am wearing a tux which is also dirty from the mud. I can’t show up to the event I’m trying to get to in this condition. She will be late for work already, so she offers to help me get cleaned up. So I follow the woman to her house back down the street. Her house is huge, well-furnished and clean. She walks past a sweeping staircase at the entrance. There is a sexual tension in the air, so I leave.
I am walking in snow and see a dollar under a bush. It is on a slight hill and I have to duck and crawl under the thorny bush and stretch to reach the bill. When I stand and unfold it, I discover a 20 dollar bill on the inside of the 1. I take the bills to show someone and tell them I found 21 bucks. I end up going with them to a party in a nice house. Then I am standing in a hallway or bedroom and the woman from the mud is standing there holding up two pairs of panties and asking which she should wear. She holds a white pair in her left hand and a pink pair in her other hand. I’m not sure if she is talking to me or Travis. He stands slightly behind me wearing the same camouflage coat he wears to work. I wonder if this woman is his date and why she is talking to this redneck if she’s supposed to sleep with me.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Light it up

I get out of the shower. I am living in a huge loft or condo. I talk to Brooke on the phone and walk out on to the deck right as fireworks start going off above the city skyline nearby. The deck/patio seems to shared with other apartments as there are several patio tables and beach chairs for people to lay out. At the far corner of the deck is a table with a bunch of my stuff spread over it as if I was working there. I worry about papers blowing away and move a book on top of them. Then I wonder why I left my wallet and keys outside and pick them up along with my digital camera. As I walk back to my sliding glass door, I see a regular camera and some paperbacks laying on the ground. I pick them up and struggle to balance everything in my arms. Then I pick up a small pink, plastic box which turns out to be a Polaroid camera. I see a photo stuck in it, so I pull it out. The picture is a large (taller than a normal photo) group shot of young teenagers at Disney World. I notice that I am standing in the top of the picture, I am the younger, the same age as the other kids in the photo.

I am driving on a highway and get off on an exit ramp. The ramp and my car is bathed in a strange light. After a moment I realize it is a glare or reflection of a large video scoreboard of a football stadium above and to the right of the ramp. I see scenes of several football players wearing IU uniforms. As I drive past the football field I look back at a plain scoreboard trying to see the score. I can’t make out the numbers but see that we are playing a team I have never heard of, the team is listing on the scoreboard as Z.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Park, fly and park

I am in Austin looking to meet someone, maybe Brooke. I drive to different parking lots looking for a place to park to go into a restaurant. And then I am walking past train tracks where there is a commercial shoot going on. Missy is working the shoot, she looks rounder than in person. The camera set up on a dolly on the track. A cop car flies past. They have a van chasing a woman that is running. They do multiple takes. Aaron walks up and asks me how I’m doing. I’m supposed to be meeting someone else there.

I am in a hot air balloon with my grandma. Jerry is piloting the balloon but doesn’t seem to be paying any attention. The balloon almost flies right into the side of a building but at the minute rises above it without the burner being hit. It is flying like there is a steering wheel controlling it. It turns around a tree we should have flown right into. We fly over the Ohio River and I point out a two-story bungalow with multiple decks and patios and say that it used to be Gleason Calise’s Dallas office building. We do a water landing and go back up. Mom and Dad call on the radio. I hear them talking to Stacy on the radio. They’re talking about me and ask what time it is. I say it’s 9:05. We do another water landing. I am wearing winter gloves and try to take them off to pick something up from the floor of the basket. My shoes and pants legs get wet and I jump up and brace myself up with my arms behind me and my feet pressing on the interior sides of the basket.

I am trying to go to a BBQ restaurant. I look at the green neon sign from my car. The parking lot across the street is a pay lot. The one on the side of the building is only for the bar next door. I go around the corner and there are parking garage everywhere but I can’t pull into any of them. It is an industrial area. One has a sign over the entrance that says Car repair shop in neon.

Sunday, April 6, 2003

Ride to detention

Riding a bicycle through the halls of a high school. I walk into different classrooms, I am looking for a place to leave the bike. I open a broom closet in the basement but don’t leave it there. I ride it out of a stairwell and past a teacher in the hall that yells at me, I ignore her. I try to park it in a bike rack outside but the tires are too big. So I go inside. I try to figure out what class I’m supposed to go to, but I can’t remember if I have biology after lunch or if that was last year. I ask somebody that. I go up and down the stairs and forget what floor I’m even on. Finally I open what I think is the door to the broom closet downstairs but inside is what now looks like a teacher’s lounge. Aaron is in there and him and Andy are turning it into an office.

Saturday, April 5, 2003

That seems racist

I get into a car with someone to get a ride to school. The guy driving turns off the main road onto a trail. There are branches hanging low overhead and on the side. It is night out and the headlights show nothing but green growth everywhere. The dirt trail is almost totally overgrown. I am bouncing around the back of the jeep and the guy is talking about getting into more adventure on a shortcut. We come to a chain link fence across the trail. Two black guys are pounding on the other side of the fence. I don’t know if they are trying to tear it down or warn us off. The guy driving backs up the jeep and I think he is going to turn left and drive parallel to the fence. But instead he crashes through it. On the other side of the fence we drive thru a paved lot full of parked cars and there are tons of black people around. I think that a bunch of stuff is going to get stolen. I picture them rioting. We drive down the long row but now we are in a camaro or firebird. I realize the people are all in a long line 4 or 5 people across all slowly moving in the same direction we are as we drive pass them. I figure they are just waiting in line to get out or to get their cars out to leave for work in the morning.

Thursday, April 3, 2003


I am in a living room with Christina from work. Danny and other people are in the next room, which is the kitchen. We start making out standing next to a couch and then I am on top of her on the floor. She says, “We are falling into a sinkhole.” I stop and go into the next room.

Tuesday, April 1, 2003

Has to be good

I see Jenn driving past in a parking garage. Brooke and I are in the car. We end up checking into the same hotel. Jenn is with Mike and I am with Brooke. Jenn and I end up spending some time alone together. But later Mike and his pal warn me to stop hanging around here. Suddenly we are in the same hotel but now it is a fraternity formal with a bunch of my old fraternity brothers hanging out in the hotel. Then I’m with a group of them (and Brooke?) walking outside. We see a bar on top of a building with giant pink flamingos. I say that’s going to be a party later because you know a bar has to be good if it has pink flamingos.

I’m in a giant gymnasium type room with Langston. Someone else is there. And Brooke is on my team. The other teams are lined up along the wall moving forward. They have to battle some kind of beast or giant thing. They have a wooden bucket and water to put out the fire. And throw rocks at it. There is a big pile of rocks there. But then the room is cleared out and we’re getting showered and dressed for the battle again. We are in a locker room. A hot girl walks in. I am dressed but Adam is naked. He is bent over picking something up, his ass facing me leaning towards the girl. When he stands up she acts impressed at the size of his manhood but says the word “little.”

I am in a bathroom and Chrissy comes downstairs and says that Chris needs to get in there. I get dressed but there are paper towels that I used to wipe my ass laying on the floor. I’m gathering them up and throw them in the toilet as Chrissy walks in. She is disgusted at first but then says, “Uh, these things happen.”

Sunday, March 30, 2003

the hunt

I walk into a garage with stacks of keys on all three or four sides. Three of them are connected. I turn them off and they all slow. I turn them off and the ones behind me come on. I turn those off and the first three come on. It is very weird.

I am in an antique store looking at square shaped hot air balloon ornaments that look like frames. I say that I wanted to buy them for mom before but they were too expensive. The price is marked 25 dollars marked down to 6.99, marked down to 5.99. Brooke’s mom is in the store and I tell her about it. She says I must have been here before and gestures with the object she is holding. It is a hot air balloon figure that has a chip on the side. I wonder why she is implying that chipped it the last time I was in the store. I wonder if I did chip it, but don’t think so. She was joking, but I take it seriously.

Then I am doing a scavenger hunt and have to find numbered clues. One is on a set of clothes hanging and says something about being hung like a person. It is outside the corner of my apartment. And then the last clue is something about a dress that is hanging from a tree outside my apartment. But I realize that the tree doesn’t actually exist there. So I can’t find the last clue. I am looking around the ground for it. And then someone says something to me, she is sitting above me on a large branch of the tree. It is either Brooke or Mel.

Saturday, March 29, 2003


I’m in a house, people are outside lying by the pool. And then I am peddling a mountain bike through deserted city streets. It becomes night and I ride around trying to find a place to stay. I swerve around a homeless guy lying in the middle of the street under a blanket. Suddenly it is morning and I am riding through another part of the city, perhaps towards the outskirts of downtown. It is a barren and poor area of town. There are vacant lots or empty parking lots around and a run down store ahead of me. Then I enter a more populated area and I look for people I know in New York in the faces of the crowds I see through store windows. I get off the bike and walk into a food court. As I see Danny, someone yells to me. The person I though was Danny isn’t him, but I turn around and see a big group of girls that I know at a table. Then I turn to a third table and Danny is sitting there. The girls and Danny are talking about lying at the pool while I was inside.