Thursday, July 17, 2003


Brooke and I are in a car chase. I am driving a Jeep or truck and we are being chased by men in cars. It starts among city streets, then we race through the woods. We end up driving through a barren landscape. The earth is scorched. Two people in raged clothes have just put a mid-sized branch and a rock in the road, as if building a roadblock. We easily pass by or over it. And I turn off the road onto a side path. We get out of the car as ragged man carrying a bundle of shaved, thick branches crosses our path.

Running through an orate house, trying to escape. Someone is with me but I don’t know who. It may still be Brooke. We enter a room and at the far end is a door to the outside. But we have to defeat an oriental woman to make our escape. She does a series of leaps around the room (ala Crouching Tiger, Hidden Tiger) and I see another woman outside about to come into the room and join the fight. I slam the door on her. Then we dart out. We start running down the street and I see a blonde girl sandwiched between guys behind us. I yell for her to follow us. The thugs on either side of her fall as if shot and she runs after us. We run straight towards two guys in suits. Their shirts, tie and lapels all match in a crazy floral or paisley pattern. One guy in orange and the other in a different color. I say, “I like your suits” as they shoot us. They shoot one of us in the shoulder and the other in the leg, but there are no bullets. Instead we are hit with some kind of tiny tranquilizer dart.

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