Tuesday, September 9, 2003


I go into Chequer’s seafood restaurant. The building is not the same, but I talk to a few people that I knew. The menus are in a nice, hard cover instead of the paper ones I printed out with the specials everyday.

Having dinner in NYC with Danny, Sharon, Len and others, maybe Cameron and Dalia. As we are walking out, I see Karl from ballooning at another table. I stop to say hello and Jerry and Kathy Compass are sitting with him. We exchange warm greetings. Then I see that Mr. Funke is sitting at the head of the table across from me. He wasn’t there a minute ago. I say it’s great to see him. Then suddenly it is Mom and Dad at the table and then grandma and grandpa. Grandpa asks Dad if he should order me a drink. Dad tells me to have my entire group join them. I want to at least introduce everyone, but they have already walked towards the front of the restaurant and perhaps out the door. Mom says that I should take all my friends over to their house. I think of our house in Louisville and say that it’s too far. But mom means their new house in Ohio. I leave and meet Stacy at that house. I’m sorry that my New York friends couldn’t come all this way but then think that it only took me a minutes to get there.

I’m inside a construction site. A work crew is clearing out a large warehouse type room. Two by fours form the shell of the walls. I look through long narrow boxes, checking which ones are full of trash and which contain equipment that needs to be loaded up. Soon there is nothing left. Detective Lenny Briscoe from the TV show Law and Order comes in and asks me what I’m doing. I step outside and join Mom and Dad in a grassy field. We are standing in the middle of a new subdivision, they are searching for something. I point to a new house and say that the shack used to be there. I tell them about a pile of debris and old clothes that used to be in the field behind it. We start to walk over there to look, but a woman stops us and says that we can’t go over there because it will bother the dog. We talk about how this neighborhood is being built on an old farm. I tell Mom and Dad about a house that has a tunnel built into it that leads to a cave. I remember it from another dream that had a fraternity performing ceremonies in the cave. Mom, Dad and I head across the field towards the house. I am annoyed to notice that the woman is joining us. I slide under a barbed wire fence and then we climb over one. Then we are climbing up a high fence that I didn’t see a moment ago. On the other side is another wire fence. Suddenly we are in the middle of rows of wire fences. It is as if a maze has sprung up around us.

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