Thursday, March 21, 2002

King of all media

I am looking at a book of pictures. It is not a photo album, but an actual bound book. The pictures are of my family (Mom, Dad, Stac and I) around a big swimming pool with white columns and statues around. One shot is of an ornate wall statue of two reclining Greek god types with flowing robes, except that the figure’s faces are Mom and Dad’s carved in the stone. Stacy has made or given me this book. But we have never been to such a pool and I know that the images are from another dream I had long ago.

I am talking to my Jersey buddies on a cell phone. I have trouble hearing Vin, so I try attaching a weird speaker/microphone. It is a cord with a rubber cap shaped in a half sphere. I talk into it and hold it to my ear and then the phone. Then I realize that I am also hearing Fred from the Howard Stern show. Is he talking to me and/or my Jersey boys – or has he replaced them in the conversation. I can’t tell if we are on the air or not.

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