Wednesday, March 13, 2002


I am on a giant speedboat tied at the dock. People (parents and kids) are preparing to launch the boat. I think it is members of the families that Mom and Dad hung out with when Stacy and I were growing up in Cleveland (the Standerings and Farrells) but none of these people look familiar. I am attracted to the Farrell daughter, but it is not her. One of the sons is driving the boat and takes off very fast. I am standing in the bow of the boat and see that he is heading straight for a large concrete embankment. I wave him off, but he makes a sharp banking turn too late and the bottom of the boat scrapes the embankment. The boat shoots toward the opposite shore which is a narrow strip of land covered in stones and pebbles. The boat is headed right for the tip of it, where a woman is holding her baby. I try to waving my arms and pointing to tell him to turn. I am yelling frantically, but he doesn’t seem to pay attention to me. The boat stops, slowing running into shore. The woman is below me, standing just under the bow of the boat.
The boat starts to back out, but suddenly the entire desk is covered with water, as if the boat is a full bathtub. I grab a rope tied to the bow and begin pulling the boat into shore. The rope is impossibly long and thick, yet I pull the boat in somewhat easily. Then I realize that the metal work from the boat (it is not a cleat, it looks more like a small railing) has come unattached and that is all I am hauling in. Then several of us swimming down into the water to find the boat, we aim to retie the rope and pull in out. Soon we are walking around on the bottom, making no effect to breath. At one point we find a flat wide space that is deeper, we decide that it is the perfect place to pull the ship to in order to have room to raise it. We have to climb out a steep hill covered in layers of silt that are different shades of dark and light brown. No one tries to swim up, we climb.

I am in some kind of amusement park or arcade. There is some kind of track with mini cars. Then I am playing some kind of weird oversized pinball shaped game.

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