Thursday, January 9, 2003

Down the hatch

Mom, Dad, Stacy and I are in a big, empty restaurant with booths sitting on tall platforms. We paint or build 4 lamps that hang from the ceiling. They are round hot air balloons. Two of them have large globes in the place of baskets.

I enter a small movie theater. There is popcorn and empty soda cups all over the floor. The place is full of kids. I take a seat against the wall with a seat or two empty next to me. An obnoxious fat kid sits down next to me, so I get up in disgust. I decided to get refreshment from the snack bar. There is one at the front of the theater right under the screen. I don’t want to walk in front of everyone in their seats, so I get in line at a smaller snack bar to the right. I wonder why there is a concession stand actually inside the movie theater, much less two of them.

I try to find Ray at our old office, but no one is there. I find him in a big room helping an older woman fix a washing machine. I am sitting up on something like bleachers looking down at the machine on the floor. A couple of other guys seat with me although they are here with Ray. The woman takes off her top and is leaning out from the washer with her legs supporting her in the tub. She is swinging back and forth as if to dance. Then there are more people in the room and it is now a party. A guy hands a girl next to big a giant drink which I think is a pitcher for everyone, but is really just one drink he bought for the girl. As people are talking, the girl starts holding my hand. She keeps coming on to me and asks if I want a drink. She leaves to get it. Mom, Stacy and another girl enter and I ask what they are doing at this party. I am sitting slightly above them on the bleachers as the walk up. As they are saying hi, Stacy put her hands on my legs and her hand touches the erection in my pants. I am embarrassed. I assume she touched it accidentally, then I think what if she saw it and touched it on purposed? I push her hand away and she pushes my hand back. She accuses me of trying to be unfaithful to Brooke. Does she grab me again or do I just worry that she will? I am horrified and ashamed thinking about it.

I am in a strange house and drunk. Brooke was with me. Where is she now? I walk up a set of stairs and into a bedroom where Sharon is sleeping. I apologize for waking her and cross the room to leave out another door. Danny is in a bed on the other side of the room. The door leads to another room, not where I want to go. But now I can’t find the stairs back down. I try another door but it leads outside. I think about taking the fire escape. The house is like a maze, the rooms keep changing.

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