Saturday, June 14, 2008

Abandoned office supplies

I throw a stapler and another small box onto the roof of an old house. They slide down and the box falls into a cardboard box below as the yard slowed floods. The stapler lands in the gutter.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Riding bus through a military base, a colonel waves as we pass. Out the window I see helicopters with the front removed.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Set up by gangsters

Danny Devito is a mobster and accuses me of crossing him. Rizzo tries to give me cash but
I leave. I walk out of the bar to my car parked out back by the dumpster. My car door is open. A bunch of high school kids run up saying that a girl was raped in my front seat. There are muddy footprints. They put the car in nuetral and start pushing it out of the parking space. They put a girl in the front seat and demand that I take to her to the hospital. And I know I'm being framed.