Friday, March 30, 2007
Cocktail hour
At the pool of a beach resort and a guy asks me to gather people together to go play a game inside. The pool is surrounded by several two story buildings. I end up walking into a hotel room that looks more like an apartment. Danny is there, but I don’t know if it is our place, just his or mine. He says that we’re all going out to a bar later. I walk over to another building to go to Sharon’s room. Nica is walking up to the door from the other end of the hall just as I get there. We walk in and another girl and guy are standing at the counter of the island in the kitchen. I pour a drink and we talk while waiting for Sharon.

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Woman with kids sitting in the kitchen of a house. Through the screen porch, she sees a man approach. He has come to kill them. She tells two of the boys to stand in the pantry closet and not to come out. Then she sits at the table with the third boy. The man enters followed by his little girl. The girl sits at the table and the woman tries to act like nothing is wrong. She asks the girl if she wants to play. One of the boys in the pantry jumps out and yells that he wants to play too. The woman realizes that they are all going to die.

Hiking through a thickly wooded area, I am tracking some kind of monkey creatures. Night falls and I sleep on the forest floor. The noise of something running past wakes me up and I see the silhouette of a small monkey man race past in the moonlight. I lay back down and as I drift off, I feel one of them skitter across my back and run off. I dart up but don’t see anything. I try to fall back asleep and hear a distant whisper, “bite its neck.” I feel a sharp, tiny prick on the back of my neck and jump awake in a cold sweat.

Looking at pictures of rings in a catalogue. I have already proposed to Brooke. I’m trying to remember if I already bought the ring or if I can have Julian’s dad make it for me.

Hiking through a thickly wooded area, I am tracking some kind of monkey creatures. Night falls and I sleep on the forest floor. The noise of something running past wakes me up and I see the silhouette of a small monkey man race past in the moonlight. I lay back down and as I drift off, I feel one of them skitter across my back and run off. I dart up but don’t see anything. I try to fall back asleep and hear a distant whisper, “bite its neck.” I feel a sharp, tiny prick on the back of my neck and jump awake in a cold sweat.

Looking at pictures of rings in a catalogue. I have already proposed to Brooke. I’m trying to remember if I already bought the ring or if I can have Julian’s dad make it for me.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I’m driving again through a small town and see Dave’s Dad and his brother Mark. They are also headed to meet Dave and go camping. I say I’ll see them there and then drive to another house. I walk into a bedroom and then Julie comes out of the attached bathroom. She covers herself by holding a towel across her chest as she gets clothes out of a dresser. She is surprised to see me. But then she lies on the bed and I lean above her supporting my weight with my arms held straight on the bed. When she stands up, she is wearing a robe that falls open. Then she kisses me. She lets the robe fall and sits on a couch. She looks up at me standing in front of her. I realize the bedroom door is open. I reach over to swing it closed because Dave’s dad and brother should be in another room. The door doesn’t close all the way, it is still a crack open. But I don’t care and step towards Julie. She leans forward.

Monday, March 26, 2007
old furniture
I drive to an old house with a large weed choked yard and a gravel driveway. Ray is inside and the place is filled with old furniture from the 70s. Some of it is ugly wood stuff with crochet blankets and pillows, but some is really cool plastic stuff. As we’re talking, he walks outside then drives off in the Bronco I’m driving. I don’t know where is he going or if he’s coming back. I go back inside and look in another room at the living room furniture. Ray comes running back in with my black, rolling suitcase, he has stuck a large sticker to the top. It looks like a work order with my name printed on it.

Friday, March 23, 2007
Pit Stop
I pull over at a rest area along a country road. There are picnic tables and a trail leading through some woods running parallel to the road. I fall along the trail looking for the bathrooms and realize there are none. As I decide to piss behind a tree, a man comes down the trail, so I walk back to my car instead.

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Can't reason with a Nazi
I’m sitting at a large conference table facing a room full of men in Nazi uniforms. Several other men in regular clothes (suits?) sit on either side of me at the table also facing out to the crowd of Nazis. We are witnesses in some kind of hearing or maybe we are on trial. The proceedings are called to order and the entire room stands and raises one hand in the nazi salute with a shout of “Seig Hiel!” Myself and the men next to me remain seated but also salute, except we do not speak immediately after raising our arm. We shoot out our hand (still outstretched flat) from under the table in front of our laps. A nazi in the front row asks a question about Christianity and a man two places to my right begins to answer. I feel he is missing some point, so I interrupt to say that the blood and bread are called the sacraments. The entire crowd reacts offended and very upset by my statement. I wonder why I must defend Jesus Christ to these people and how can I explain tolerance?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Haz Mat Girls
I’m standing in a public restroom and Adam Langston has climbed onto a sink to reach behind a ceiling tile at the edge of the wall. He is trying to find something hidden in the ceiling or the wall. I go to the door to leave or keep watch. When I open the door, I see three people in white hazardous waste suits coming toward me. To warn Adam, I loudly say something like “It really smells in there, I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” I walk away hoping that they don’t grab Adam or whatever he was looking for. Then I decide to go back and see if he’s ok. When I enter the restroom again, Adam is gone and three girls are standing in the room. One of them has just climbed out of a ceiling tile near the door (at the other side of the room of the room from where Adam was). I assume that they were wearing the haz-mat suits and that the ceiling tile leads to a secret passageway. I don’t know if Adam left willingly or found what he was after. One of the girls is wearing a pink top and looks very cute. The two have great bodies but something is off about their faces. I’m not sure if they know I’m somehow involved. When I try talking to them, I don’t get anywhere.

Reading Playboy at a long conference type table and a naked woman is laying on the table in front of me. She is gyrating her body and pressing her breasts into some type of powder or sand that clings to her skin. I look up at her then keep reading. I wonder why either of us is there.

Reading Playboy at a long conference type table and a naked woman is laying on the table in front of me. She is gyrating her body and pressing her breasts into some type of powder or sand that clings to her skin. I look up at her then keep reading. I wonder why either of us is there.

Monday, March 19, 2007
What About Zissou?
Sailing on a large boat with a guy that looks and acts a bit like Bill Murray. He has two beautiful women in bikinis with him, one always on each arm. Another much older man is onboard and seems to be the guy’s flunky. We hit rough seas and the boat capsizes. I don’t have a life vest, so I swim towards the other people in the water. They are floating in a human chain bobbing up and down across the pounding waves. I struggle to reach them and as I stretch out my hand, the girls suddenly disappear. A life jacket that I assume belonged to one of them floats into me. I grab it under one arm as the guy extends his hand to me. I can barely reach him, but my fingertips grip his. We pull ourselves closer together and hang on. I look up to see the boat upright but being pushed by the tide towards shore. It seems odd to me that it’s such a sunny day. The boat races wildly ahead and crashes into a crowded pier. People run in a mob away from the boat as it runs aground. Next thing I know, we’re walking under an overpass near the water. A beat up, old sedan is parked by one of the concrete columns of the bridge. The guy approaches it to get behind the wheel. I go around to the passenger side but don’t open the door. I stop because through the open passenger window I see the dead body of the flunky buckled into the front seat.

Friday, March 16, 2007
audition upskirt
At an audition, standing in a hallway that feels like it belongs in a pediatrician’s office. I’m talking to another guy in line about the parts. We’re friendly but I don’t know him. He gets called into an office and before I have time to turn around, my name is called also. It sounds just above a whisper coming from inside the office. I walk in and a woman is seated behind a big, ornate wood desk with her back to me. There are two rows of 2 or 3 chairs in front of the desk and I bump into one as I step to sit down in the one closest to the desk. At this moment, the woman spins her chair around to face me. She suppresses a laugh as she motions for me to sit in another chair at the side of the desk. As I sit down, I realize that I am not wearing a shirt.
I walk out of a building and check out two girls standing on the sidewalk next to a car. One of them bends into the open car door to get something off the front seat. Her mini-skirt slides up her ass revealing blue panties.
I walk out of a building and check out two girls standing on the sidewalk next to a car. One of them bends into the open car door to get something off the front seat. Her mini-skirt slides up her ass revealing blue panties.

Thursday, March 15, 2007
water, water everywhere
I’m standing on the shore of a flooded river, I see fish swimming everywhere. Then a giant fish, bigger and longer than a man is swimming in weaving circles near the opposite shore. I wade or fall into the water. And the giant fish comes after me. I keep spinning away but it keeps twisting back at me.
Walking along a flooded creek, below an overpass bridge I see a truck tire and rim floating by with a band saw sitting on top. I want to salvage stuff stuck in the muddy bank and floating past. So I step across a high hill in the middle of an island in the steam and sink into a bog of mud up past my knee. I step out of the muck and down the hill to the edge of the creek where the floating tire has come to rest against the shore. Jan is walking nearby.
Walking along a flooded creek, below an overpass bridge I see a truck tire and rim floating by with a band saw sitting on top. I want to salvage stuff stuck in the muddy bank and floating past. So I step across a high hill in the middle of an island in the steam and sink into a bog of mud up past my knee. I step out of the muck and down the hill to the edge of the creek where the floating tire has come to rest against the shore. Jan is walking nearby.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
School zone / War zone
Mom, Stacy and I are riding bikes and I lead them from the lower to upper parking lots of Crosby Middle School (although it looks more like Eastern High School but actually not like either) We ride past a chain link fence and walk into a huge, two level store crammed with all kinds of junk and clothes. It is run by a Korean man. I find a dark denim hat that looks like the Levi one I had as a kid, but this one fits me. I also see a pile of lighter denim ones like the other one I have. I put on a dark one but the brim is torn. I ask the man to find me one that isn’t ripped. The store starts to fall apart as if it is being bombed or hit by a natural disaster. I leave before finding another hat.
I walk to the car but can’t get in, then I realize that the car is actually parked in front of the one I’m standing at. Neither of the cars are models we’ve ever owned. And everything is now covered in snow. Mom and Stacy are already in the front seat about to drive off. I look around for our bikes but assume they are buried in the snow or maybe they put them in the trunk.
I walk to the car but can’t get in, then I realize that the car is actually parked in front of the one I’m standing at. Neither of the cars are models we’ve ever owned. And everything is now covered in snow. Mom and Stacy are already in the front seat about to drive off. I look around for our bikes but assume they are buried in the snow or maybe they put them in the trunk.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
College hoops
Sitting in a crowded classroom. There is a male teacher lecturing at the front but behind him above the chalkboard is a regulation basketball hoop on a pole. I’m sitting towards the front to the right. Mom is sitting on the aisle at the back and Stacy is sitting in the middle on the other side of the room. The teacher throws me a basketball. I try to shoot it through the hoop, but my shot falls pathetically short. I says something like, “if that’s not embarrassing enough, my mom is in this class.” which gets a big laugh.

Monday, March 12, 2007
Get your music to the people
Friday, March 9, 2007
The greatest of eaze
Walking through a strange city and go into a bar with rows of seats facing one wall. A dance/trapeze act is going on overhead. The shadows of the performers are projected on the wall. I lay across several seats in an empty row and curl up to sleep. Then on the shadow of a woman swinging between two guys, there are two beams of light where her eyes would be. I can see facial features on the shadow and it looks like her eyes are glowing white. Then all the shadows change to illustrations of the act. The style changes from realistic to cartoon and back again.

Thursday, March 8, 2007
Dinner crasher
Brooke and I run into Jordan and his wife at a store or in a mall. We chit chat and tell them we’re on our way to dinner at some restaurant. Brooke and I get sidetracked with another errand and gets to the restaurant later. There is a line of people waiting to put their names in for a table. Jordan and his wife are in the front of the line at the hostess stand. I slide up and say to the hostess, “make that a table for four.”

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
I’m exploring along a creek and grab a rope hanging off the edge of a high ledge. There is a bundle tied to the end. When I take hold of the rope, I either start climbing it or it starts pulling me up. It pulls me past the ledge and into the sky. I try gathering up loops of slack thinking I can it to lasso something to save myself or break the fall when I drop. But I never fall, the rope pulls me into space and into the belly of a space station. A woman sits at a large control panel on a shining metal platform above me. She leans over a rail to talk to me. She says something about the mouse that has bitten the cheese. I see an actual mouse scurry up the rope and think the bundle must be full of cheese.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Kidnapping & Trespassing
A man has kidnapped me and a large group of other boys. I think we are all in the same boy scout troop. He keeps us in his house and treats us like his sons. But we can’t leave. There’s nothing physical stopping any one of us from sneaking away, but we know we cannot. His wife makes a big dinner and talks about going to church. I think that when I leave for school I will write a letter explaining what has happened and take it to the dean. I wonder why I couldn’t just go and tell someone, but writing it down seems better.

Sneak into a movie theater with three other guys, wander around looking for a movie worth seeing and get thrown out when the projection room tries to play Predator off of Fred’s iPod and it doesn’t work.

Sneak into a movie theater with three other guys, wander around looking for a movie worth seeing and get thrown out when the projection room tries to play Predator off of Fred’s iPod and it doesn’t work.

Monday, March 5, 2007
Grand theft auto
Walking along a road between several soccer fields and I steal a car parked off the road in the grass. I think it is a old Mercedes. Somehow I wind up parked in the driveway of the car owner. And his wife or mother comes out and assumes that the guy sent him over in his car to pick stuff up for his daughter. There are two young kids around as she loads a tennis racket and ski gear into the passenger seat. I debate if I should drive off and just steal this stuff, drive the car back to where I got it or just leave right now.

Friday, March 2, 2007
Hunting in the snow
Two teams are in a scavenger hunt taking place in the snow covered front lawn of a house. The object is to find several blue plastic pieces and other clues or prize hidden in the yard or buried in the snow. There is a winter stocking cap pulled over what looks like a rock. I think to grab it but don’t. A guy on the other team picks it up revealing a big rubber ball underneath with $5000 painted on it. I think it would have been nice to win that prize. Then I find several blue plastic beach toys buried in the snow in a row along a white picket fence. There is a little shovel and a longer rake. A little boy pokes in the snow nearby.

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