Hanging out at Disney World with a guy I don’t know. Then I’m in my apartment in Dallas, but the layout of the rooms is different. My closet is in the living room. I’m getting dressed to go to work. I pull on a pair of black slacks and notice a streak of light brown dirt on the right pants leg. I try to brush it off, but it doesn’t work. As I spread out the folds of the pant leg to try harder, I notice some something stitched into the fabric. The pants leg spreads out further to reveal that they have bell bottom cuffs. And stitched across both legs is a logo and design for Disney’s Aladdin. I wonder if that guy is in a show at the park and how I wound up with his pants.
Sam walks into the apartment and she picks up a sheet of notebook paper from the couch and begins reading it. It is a page from the notebook that I wrote my dreams in during college. After reading out loud for a moment, she asks if it’s okay that she’s reading this.
We go to a bar with a big group of people. We’re sitting on lounge couches and chairs. Sam is there, but I don’t see her. But now Brooke is there, sitting in a wooden chair at the edge of the group not really a part of it.
A big guy walks up to us, he’s not quite a biker Harley dude, but has a goatee beard and seems vaguely intimidating. Another guy comes up, obviously his buddy. They want me to throw a rubber ball slightly smaller than a baseball at them. I look down and there are now a pile of these balls, all different primary colors on the floor. The guys keep egging me on as if to get in a fight, but the balls aren’t hard or heavy enough to hurt if you threw them at someone. Also, I’m now standing at the edge of and inside a big ring of chairs like the one Brooke was sitting in. The couches are gone. I don’t see the group I was with, but I assume they are behind me. The two tough guys want to start a throwing war between the group I’m with and people that have starting streaming in the door to the bar. I don’t know if I should start throwing or not. And I wonder what the objective would be if I do.