Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Burgess Meredith
I pull my car into a parking lot behind a dive strip club. I am there to meet a famous actor either Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone. I walk in the back door and into an empty room. The walls are peeling and chairs are stacked against a wall. I go down a hall past a bathroom with a rust stained sink. A naked woman walks past me and the hall ends in a large room almost filled with guys sitting on more of the same ratty chairs. There doesn’t seem to be many dancers around. I walk past the actor that played Rocky’s manager. I don’t know if I’m supposed to talk to him or not.

Monday, June 11, 2007
I’m driving a U-haul truck with a bunch of stuff in the back. I’m not sure if I’m moving or camping, cause there is a tent set up in the back of the truck that I’ve been sleeping in. I get a call on my cell from Dave, I’m supposed to be at the airport to pick him up. I tell him I’m on the way. I’m parking outside of a regional airport, but I know that Dave is arriving at the Dallas International Airport. I picture him standing in the hot sun outside one of the terminals. Then I drive the truck out of a grassy field next to some woods and towards the road.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A flood hits a warehouse where I’ve taken shelter with a group of random people. I end up washed away and floating. The water around me is pretty calm like a lake, but all I see in any direction is water. I float along without effort or worry, but wonder how I will survive. Just then I see a school of fish swimming toward me. I stick both arms down into the water and pull out a fish in each hand. They look like carp but are the color of goldfish. Each is a bit bigger than my entire hand. I’m not hungry, so I decide to save them for later. I don’t want then to get away, so I hold them out of the water until they die, then stuff them down my pants. That is when I realize that I’m just wearing a pair of swim trunks. I look behind me and see the warehouse sticking out of the water. I don’t see a door and I don’t try to paddle or swim towards the building. But I drift right up to an open window, I don’t know how many floors are under water. A man inside helps me up and into the window. Then I look back down at the water just in time to grab the round, yellow inflatable raft I assume I was just sitting on, even though I wasn’t aware of it until now. There are a few people inside, but lots of the group I was with are missing. I don’t know how many or what happened to them. The people that remain are in a large room with wood flooring like a school gym. I walk over to a woman standing by some filing cabinets against the far wall. She asks what happened and I pull out the fish and say, “I went out for lunch.”

Friday, May 25, 2007
The stars are out
Watching a bad play or musical, I’m sitting about four rows back to the right of the stage. In the middle of a scene, the lead actor stops, breaks character and asks for a spotlight on the front of the audience. He introduces Britney Spears and some other guy. They are sitting in the second row and wave backwards to the crowd from their seats. A guy two rows behind them starts yelling, “Oh my God, it’s Britney!” over and over, even standing up and pointing. Finally Jason Biggs (from the American Pie movies) stands up, turns around and tells the guy to shut up. He is sitting two or three seats over from Britney. I wonder if he is in the same group and if he is upset that actor on stage didn’t point him out to the audience as well.

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Not reality
I’m sitting at a table in a living room taking apart a small electronic device. It is an alarm that I’m trying not to trigger. There is also a small tube shaped chip that I carefully pull out in order to remove some kind of data. My brother (even though I don’t have one in real life) watches over my shoulder nervous that Mom and Dad (or someone else) will come into the house. I safely remove the chip and head upstairs. In the upstairs hallway, a girl in her late teens or early twenties stops me. I don't know her but wonder if she is my sister that I don’t really have. But then she bends over a table against the wall and slowly slides her skirt up. She reaches her hand back to pull me to her and starts grinding against me.

Posted on the wall near the elevator of my old loft is a flyer that says, “Help restore the 47th floor.” I think that it sounds like a cool project, then I realize that the building only has ten floors.

Posted on the wall near the elevator of my old loft is a flyer that says, “Help restore the 47th floor.” I think that it sounds like a cool project, then I realize that the building only has ten floors.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I’m sitting in the corner of a large parking lot. There are people tailgating all across the lot behind me. I watch runners in a marathon jog past. The street is completely filled with all different kinds of people, some in great shape, some not. After awhile the crowd of runners changes slightly, they look less like runners and more like people walking into a sporting event. I see a few people carrying towels or blankets and one guy carrying a case of beer. I turn around to look behind and the parking lot has changed into a field. I look down at the grass and feel water falling on me. I look up and see a huge longhorn cow spraying water out of its nose. It keeps spraying water in arcing spurts, it seems like it is watering the grass and yellow wildflowers like a sprinkler.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hanging out in an underground clubhouse. The lower floor is a giant hole dug into the ground and the upper floor is at ground level made from plywood walls. I walk up a staircase to a hallway of bedrooms. I walk into my room and see Brooke asleep in a plastic chair next to the bed. I wake her up to put in her bed and she tells me that some guy is already in my bed. I look and it’s Matt from the frat’s bike team. I don’t know how he got there or what do to with him. I talk to Brooke for a while and wake up later in bed with her. I don’t know what happened to Matt.
There is an old woman in a closet. I am looking for a postcard.
A woman sitting on the beach. She is in a bikini on a towel. She sends her friends away in the car.
There is an old woman in a closet. I am looking for a postcard.
A woman sitting on the beach. She is in a bikini on a towel. She sends her friends away in the car.

Monday, May 21, 2007
I am walking through some woods and come across a long, narrow balloon like the type used to make balloon animals. It is green, but it is much bigger than normal. It is so big that I am able to weave it around my body by wrapping it around my leg, torso and arm. After I do so, I realize I am not wearing any clothes and I begin to float off the ground. I see something move past in the brush and move towards it. It is a person and I begin follow him. I see that he is holding a gun, some kind of rifle. I continue stalking him, using the tree trunks as cover. If I am afraid of being spotted, I drift a bit higher out of his line of slight. I see more people ahead and float higher, up to the level of the tree branches. I see a large group shooting at each other. I don’t hear any gunfire and realize that they are playing paintball. There seem to be at least two teams fighting, but I can’t tell who is on which side. I go higher to get a better view, until I am above the trees looking down on the action. I see a small group separated from the main battle by a group of trees. This small group of 3 or 4 starts shooting at me, but I am too high out of range. Their paintballs explode with colorful splats harmlessly in the air several feet below me.

Friday, May 18, 2007
Jerk, Ham, Fitness
Walking through some kind of dorm. I see a guy that is my neighbor standing outside. I little dog runs up to me with a leash hanging out of his mouth. It is my neighbor’s poodle. I crouch down and pet and talk to him. I take the leash to take him for a walk. When I get inside, the neighbor yells at me for always messing with his stuff. He says something about he doesn’t know what I’m up to with the nice guy act. I think, “Hey, I’m just doing favors for my friends, what’s your problem?” So I throw the leash on the kitchen counter and leave.

Sitting in the back row of a theatre watching a scary play with Brooke. She slips out to go to the restroom just before an ugly, evil witch-type character appears on stage in flowing black and grey robes. I can’t tell if the character is male or female, it is just a purely evil being. It rises off the stage and flies above the audience. It howls and screeches something about taking over the body of someone. It rises almost up to the ceiling and suddenly dives straight down towards me. I am terrified until it lands head first in Brooke’s empty seat. It is stuck in the folded seat with it’s legs are sticking up in the air. It gets up and falls seated into the empty chair next to Brooke’s on the aisle. I laugh and it hisses at me to get out. I slide out past it acting terrified to play the audience for laughs. Then I cower in a corner next to the aisle by the doors to the theatre. I give out an exaggerated whimper and the crowd loves it.

In a store or gym filled with shelves and exercise equipment. There is a bank of TV monitors above a slanted wall with several movie titles/logos printed in columns. I use a system of ropes and pulleys controlled by my hands and feet to select which one plays on the TV screens.

Sitting in the back row of a theatre watching a scary play with Brooke. She slips out to go to the restroom just before an ugly, evil witch-type character appears on stage in flowing black and grey robes. I can’t tell if the character is male or female, it is just a purely evil being. It rises off the stage and flies above the audience. It howls and screeches something about taking over the body of someone. It rises almost up to the ceiling and suddenly dives straight down towards me. I am terrified until it lands head first in Brooke’s empty seat. It is stuck in the folded seat with it’s legs are sticking up in the air. It gets up and falls seated into the empty chair next to Brooke’s on the aisle. I laugh and it hisses at me to get out. I slide out past it acting terrified to play the audience for laughs. Then I cower in a corner next to the aisle by the doors to the theatre. I give out an exaggerated whimper and the crowd loves it.

In a store or gym filled with shelves and exercise equipment. There is a bank of TV monitors above a slanted wall with several movie titles/logos printed in columns. I use a system of ropes and pulleys controlled by my hands and feet to select which one plays on the TV screens.

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Scooby Doo, where are you?
A few people, including Brooke and I, are in a camper van that is parked. It rocks suddenly as if something big smashed into the side of it or as if it was caught in an earthquake. Then it starts driving forward, even though no one is at the wheel. It rolls down the street out of control and smashes into a telephone pole. Then we are driving through a neighborhood looking for a house that is haunted. I believe it is the ghosts that took over the van and crashed it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A middle age, attractive woman is sitting in a richly decorated drawing room. It seems as though she is sitting on a set. She talks about the antique teacup she is drinking out of and then the rest of the set, calling the pieces by the name of the brand or designer. She is a former porn star doing a financial advice tv show.

Walking through a field in a boy scout camp. Under a large shade tree, two boys are playing with a stack of plastic funnels near a green garden hose. I am wearing a light brown scout shirt. I pick up one of the funnels the boys have dropped and use it to fill up a plastic canteen shaped like the army one I used to carry. When I’m done, I see Mr. Armbrust and go talk to him. He asks if I ever got an award for being a founding member of our troop. When I say no, he tells him about the troop now, how the new leader is a military man and how big the troop is now. He says, "its mess kits everywhere." I tell him that we started the troop because we didn’t like big troops like that, the ones that went camping in a school bus outfitted with portable generators.

Walking through a field in a boy scout camp. Under a large shade tree, two boys are playing with a stack of plastic funnels near a green garden hose. I am wearing a light brown scout shirt. I pick up one of the funnels the boys have dropped and use it to fill up a plastic canteen shaped like the army one I used to carry. When I’m done, I see Mr. Armbrust and go talk to him. He asks if I ever got an award for being a founding member of our troop. When I say no, he tells him about the troop now, how the new leader is a military man and how big the troop is now. He says, "its mess kits everywhere." I tell him that we started the troop because we didn’t like big troops like that, the ones that went camping in a school bus outfitted with portable generators.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Abandoned art
Taking a tour inside a house with my cousins, Chrissy and Danny. There is an empty line for some kind of fun house, but we pass it and go into another room. We seem to be waiting there for the tour to continue or someone to come get us. Laying on the floor in the middle of the room is a broken clock made from a hubcap with large wire (almost rebar) sticking out of it, there are pool balls for numbers but a few are missing. Danny flips it over and I see the weld marks. There is also an outline of the state of Texas and a note with the name of whoever made it. I find some handmade posters behind a piece of furniture. I flip one over and there are dollar bills glued all over the back. I remove two of them, but they tear in pieces. I stop and debate if I should take them. I wonder if it is stealing and who they belong to. Danny says it not worth it for a dollar, but maybe if it was more. Then I remember that one of the bills was a ten. Someone tears another poster into pieces and uses them to make a new collage.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Worst citizens arrest ever
Standing among a group of people in an academic or corporate lobby. Everyone is looking out the front of the building through the glass wall and doors. A drunk guy stumbles up and someone locks the door before he can get in. The crowd considers him a threat or at least trouble. Everyone seems glad he can’t cause us any trouble locked out. Then he grabs a young woman that is walking by and starts hitting on her and trying to grope her. I throw open the door and yell at him to stop. There is a sense of fear in the air, no one knows what the guy will do. I worry that he will hurt the girl or attack me. But instead he stops and looks berated or ashamed. I take him by the arm or scruff of his collar and led him inside. I continue projecting an air of authority as the crowd steps aside to let us pass. I lead him down a hall and into a room of jail cells. Although the walls of the cell don’t line up in squares, so they won’t actually contain anyone. You could just walk around the metal bars I put him into a cell where he sits on chair. He doesn’t try to get up of leave even though his cell only has one wall.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Delete this message
I check my email and see a message from Mary. As I click to open the email, I assume that it is feedback from my job interview. But instead it is an update on her business plan with a list of other agencies that she is in talks with about a merger or buy-out. The agency I used to work at is on the list. And I think how easy I’d have it if that deal went through.
Monday, May 7, 2007
The big game
I am walking through a town that is deserted. I see handwritten signs posted in the doors of local businesses. Everyone has gone out of town for the game. I assume I am in Austin during the weekend of the UT vs. OU game in Dallas.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Walking through the hallways of a stadium with Dad and a random group of my friends. We pass through concrete tunnels, up stairs and past rows of seats. The whole time I am looking at the ground, searching for anything of value or interesting that someone may have dropped. We walk out of the stadium through an open air plaza and head down to a dock. We board a boat with rows of wooden bench seats for a tour.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Worst dive ever
Drive into the parking lot of an empty strip mall that is being turned into several different bars. Some are closed for remodeling and some are already open. I walk into a strip club that looks like a normal dive bar. I don’t see any stages or poles. But there are plastic bags the size of paper grocery bags sitting on the bar and a few tables. The Hooters logo is on the side of the bags, the bar must have a partnership to serve food from a Hooters next door. I order a beer at the bar and it takes awhile. I give the bartender a $5 and $1 and wait for change. A guy walking by spills his beer all over the green sweater I am wearing. I grab some napkins to dry it off. As I am rubbing the napkins on the front of the sweater, holes tear in the fabric. I go into the bathroom, check the mirror and straighten up a bit. Then I go play poker at a green felt table in another part of the bar. I finally realize that this strip club doesn’t seem to have any girls walking around.

Monday, April 30, 2007
Spy games
A Nazi spy is riding a motorcycle up a mountain path. I am chasing him on the same style of dirt bike. The mountain is dry and rocky, as if in a western desert. The spy makes sharp turns and I follow him across impossibly high jumps from cliff to cliff. He jumps an outcropping of rock and reaches the bottom of the mountain. He disappears behind a rise and takes off in a VW bug that has been tricked out as a dune buggy. It is rusted orange with the red, gray and black nazi swastika painted in the door. I am suddenly in a dune buggy myself and continue the chase across the rocks and sand. Just as suddenly, I am a young boy on a bicycle and so is the spy. As I follow him, he stops in the middle of the dirt path. I slow down, but bump into him. I yell at him for almost causing an accident, then I continue on as if I have not been following him. He starts riding again and quickly catches up to me. To try and fool him into leading me to his destination, I act as if I am pissed about the wreck he almost caused and cut him off to keep him from passing me. I speed up and sneer back at him to challenge him to a race. He takes the bait and struggles to pass me. I pedal harder and harder to stay ahead, then let him get just ahead of me. He darts ahead as he verves off the road and up to a house. He laughs as I coast past, thinking that he has outdone me in the race, but I have outsmarted the spy.

Friday, April 20, 2007
Watch out!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Fernt at Disney
I’m looking a series of pictures of Blair on fernt.com. The first is the usual shot of him wearing the fernt shirt with some random celebrity. But the next few shots are with some hot chick with short, brown hair. Then I click on something and watch a video. It is random clips of me with the guys from jersey at Disney and other clips of other people I know from Disney (like my old roommates Joel and Ryan). The video is totally random. There is stuff in the parks, at the Vista Way apartment complex and random bars or parties. I don’t recognize any of the footage, but I am laughing out loud watching it. One scene is Joel, Ryan, me and three other guys all holding a pair of tennis shoes in our hand and waving them around the room in a choreographed routine that makes it look like these 12 flying shoes are walking in unison.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Several cars are lined up to start a race. Members of my family are driving. Dad is managing the start and is signaling the cars when to begin. But instead of everybody starting at once, Dad signals me to pull up to the start line and begin before the other cars. But I can’t pull straight up to the line, because other cars are in the way. I need to turn around, so I drive out into a wide circle. But I still can’t make it straight up to the line. I try turning around a few more time. I need to spin out the tires, so the car makes a tighter turn, but I don’t want to drive recklessly in front of my parents. Eventually, I make the tight turn, kicking up gravel in the process. Dad signals and I start the race. I don’t know if other cars will follow or if it is a time trial. I take off at the start down a dirt road. I have to swerve around random kids and a few adults. Some just stand there in panic, others jump out of the way. I am amazed that I didn’t hit anyone, but I don’t slow down. It’s like I’m driving with heightened reaction times. I drive into a house, but I don’t crash into it. It is just part of the race that happens to go through a few rooms of a house. I have to stop partway through and get out and clean up a room. I sweep as fast as possible as if it is all part of the race. Then I continue driving back outside. There is no transition between driving inside or outside, the scenery just suddenly changed.
For some reason, I have to send Mom to Australia.
For some reason, I have to send Mom to Australia.

Sunday, April 15, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
There is a party at a house. I own the house, but don’t recognize it. I walk past a bedroom with the door slightly open and see a couple making out. As I walk away, they start fucking. I find my girlfriend and want to take her to another bedroom. But when we get there, two young couples are having sex on two beds in the room. I consider joining in, but don’t want to interrupt. In another room, we see an older couple that is getting dressed after making love. To get them to leave the room, I ask them if want to soak in the hot tub. The husband says that they don’t swing. I wonder what they’re doing at the party anyway and decide not to sell them the barn near their property.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Worst action movie ever
I’m driving a large truck through a construction site that seems to go on for several blocks alongside an office building. I am driving over boards, pipes, dirt and scaffolding. At some points, these materials form an unstable track or bridge over ditches or large holes. I’m nervous but keep driving straight ahead. Then the truck starts to slide off a bridge. I jump out of the cab and grab the truck like Superman to throw it across. But just a large strip of metal (that looks like a cross between a transmission and a bumper) lands on the sidewalk on the other side. It skids to a stop on the concrete with sparks flying. Two women in business dress dart scared out of the way. I say “Sorry about that.”
A plane crashes and somehow amid the wreckage a truck full of explosives ends up sitting on the roof of a warehouse or office park. But nobody knows that it is there because the government has sealed off the area. I saw it, but can’t prove it. There is charred cement and yellow police tape in several areas around town. I meet up with a kid and try to get up to the roof of his building across the street. But his dad stops us in the lobby to talk. He is wearing a high-ranking military uniform. Then I am strolling through a park of green grass and trees, but suddenly I walk onto a beach right in the middle of the park. Laying in the sun on her side is Britney Spears. She is naked but covered in sand clinging to her wet skin. I lick my finger and wipe the sand off one of her nipples. She starts to get up and yells, “I hope that was worth it!” I say, “Hey, sorry” and run off. Then I am walking on a paved path through the grass towards her again. She is standing and now wearing shorts and a cropped t-shirt. I don’t know if her eyes were closed or if she didn’t turn around in time to see me, but she does not act upset to see me. Instead, she asks me if I have seen the kid. I wonder if she thinks he did it. But just then, the boy and his father walk into the park. She is happy to see them.
I am walking through an empty stadium. The field is covered in mud. I step down off of a ramp and into wet. Thick mud. I trudge through it, trying to step carefully at first. As I make my way across the mud and grab onto a railing on the other side to pull myself up a short wall on the other side, I think that the people down here must have a much better time than the one watching from the sky boxes up above.
A plane crashes and somehow amid the wreckage a truck full of explosives ends up sitting on the roof of a warehouse or office park. But nobody knows that it is there because the government has sealed off the area. I saw it, but can’t prove it. There is charred cement and yellow police tape in several areas around town. I meet up with a kid and try to get up to the roof of his building across the street. But his dad stops us in the lobby to talk. He is wearing a high-ranking military uniform. Then I am strolling through a park of green grass and trees, but suddenly I walk onto a beach right in the middle of the park. Laying in the sun on her side is Britney Spears. She is naked but covered in sand clinging to her wet skin. I lick my finger and wipe the sand off one of her nipples. She starts to get up and yells, “I hope that was worth it!” I say, “Hey, sorry” and run off. Then I am walking on a paved path through the grass towards her again. She is standing and now wearing shorts and a cropped t-shirt. I don’t know if her eyes were closed or if she didn’t turn around in time to see me, but she does not act upset to see me. Instead, she asks me if I have seen the kid. I wonder if she thinks he did it. But just then, the boy and his father walk into the park. She is happy to see them.
I am walking through an empty stadium. The field is covered in mud. I step down off of a ramp and into wet. Thick mud. I trudge through it, trying to step carefully at first. As I make my way across the mud and grab onto a railing on the other side to pull myself up a short wall on the other side, I think that the people down here must have a much better time than the one watching from the sky boxes up above.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
No offense
Monday, April 9, 2007
Snow gun fight
In hotel with guys. There is stuff in the room. I fake a fight to leave. Everyone is pointing guns in the snow. Bags are packed, but I can’t leave with them without the others seeing. I realize how much stuff I’m leaving behind. There is a plate of Christmas cookies in a cabinet. I get a trash bag to fill with the suitcase and stuff in jacket. I think about asking the hotel staff to hold my stuff and I’ll drive back to get it next weekend.

Friday, April 6, 2007
Snow drive
Driving through a suburban neighborhood that is covered in snow. The car skids at every turn or whenever I touch the brakes. I see other cars spin off the road. Then my car starts spinning in complete circles. I stay on the road and straighten back out. This keeps happening again and again. I feel like I’m still in control, as if I can steer which way the spins take me. But I get hopelessly lost. I can’t find the street that the house I’m looking for is on. A car is behind me, I can’t tell if he’s following me. I think it might be a cop. After awhile I pull into a driveway to lose him. I pull in past the house and see that it was an SUV behind me and that it turned into the driveway before the one I did. I drive into the yard behind the house and consider driving right through to the house behind it. But can’t tell if there’s a ditch between the two yards. So turn around in the yard and drive back out the driveway. I see the guy from the SUV walking up to the house next door. I wave and he smiles and waves back. As he climbs the steps to a large porch/deck at the front of the house, I see he is on a cell phone. I want to ask for directions, but don’t want to interrupt him. As I drive off, I can hear what he is saying even though I shouldn’t be able to because the car windows are up. But I can hear him and he is calling the police. He tells them that he doesn’t know if the neighbor’s are home and that I must be some kind of identity thief. I think he sounds nuts and hope the cops do too. I don’t think he is giving them a description of my car, but I try to drive away as safely and quickly as possible.

Thursday, April 5, 2007
I’m walking through a field and Brian Steinberger comes at me with a bat. He doesn’t hit me but he smashes the wooden latticework that I’m carrying. We fight and then I run back towards his bike. I’m going to smash it, but he yells at me not to. I yell back that he has to give me cash for my fence. He says 30 bucks and throws some bills at me. I grab and look at them and one of them is a 50 dollar bill. So I take off running before he can come after me. I run around a house that is under construction and towards a strip mall.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Rough flight & Amusement Parks
Flying with mom over a changing terrain. There are dry, rocky barren areas, then wooded hills and then grassy fields. The hot air balloon drifts over a rocky, small hill and there is a straight drop-off on the other side. Mom quickly descends and the balloon drops, crashing through the trees below. I am surprised that the balloon doesn’t tear on any of the branches. But we clear the trees below and begin flying over a more grassy area. We see Jerry Copas standing below us and yell down to him.

Driving my old red Blazer out of an amusement park and have to drive along a water slide route. The Blazer plows through the water with ease, but bounces back and forth between the rails like the “antique” car ride at King’s Island. The track I am on has several drops and sharp turn and different routes I could take. Several of the paths that I have to take look way too narrow for the truck, but I make it through no problem.

I am walking around an amusement park and assume I will run into Andy Minteer. Eventually, I do. Minteer is with another fraternity brother, Jason Hollar. And we gather together with a few other random people to pose for a picture. Then I notice that Ashley Montrie from high school is taking the picture. Then I realize that I am wearing the white robe that Brooke gave me with nothing underneath. I turn around and bump into Melissa from my old neighbor that also went to high school with me. Hollar and another guy that posed for pictures are also wearing bathrobes now, and they comment that mine is much nicer. They act like they are going to flash people, but they are wearing clothes under their robes.

Driving my old red Blazer out of an amusement park and have to drive along a water slide route. The Blazer plows through the water with ease, but bounces back and forth between the rails like the “antique” car ride at King’s Island. The track I am on has several drops and sharp turn and different routes I could take. Several of the paths that I have to take look way too narrow for the truck, but I make it through no problem.

I am walking around an amusement park and assume I will run into Andy Minteer. Eventually, I do. Minteer is with another fraternity brother, Jason Hollar. And we gather together with a few other random people to pose for a picture. Then I notice that Ashley Montrie from high school is taking the picture. Then I realize that I am wearing the white robe that Brooke gave me with nothing underneath. I turn around and bump into Melissa from my old neighbor that also went to high school with me. Hollar and another guy that posed for pictures are also wearing bathrobes now, and they comment that mine is much nicer. They act like they are going to flash people, but they are wearing clothes under their robes.

Monday, April 2, 2007
Using a one-person bathroom in a movie theater or restaurant. I finish and reach for the toilet paper to wipe. But there is already shit on the paper. I drop it and pull more paper off the roll. But it is also covered in thick, wet shit. I drop it again and check the roll. The rest of the roll looks clean and normal. But when I unroll more paper, the underside of it is completely covered like a mudslide. Now a man bangs on the door and yells hurry up in there. I yell back “just a minute” and then “someone made a real mess in here.” I try to scoop the pile of shit and paper up, but realize that it will just clog the toilet if I try to stuff it all in there.

Friday, March 30, 2007
Cocktail hour
At the pool of a beach resort and a guy asks me to gather people together to go play a game inside. The pool is surrounded by several two story buildings. I end up walking into a hotel room that looks more like an apartment. Danny is there, but I don’t know if it is our place, just his or mine. He says that we’re all going out to a bar later. I walk over to another building to go to Sharon’s room. Nica is walking up to the door from the other end of the hall just as I get there. We walk in and another girl and guy are standing at the counter of the island in the kitchen. I pour a drink and we talk while waiting for Sharon.

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Woman with kids sitting in the kitchen of a house. Through the screen porch, she sees a man approach. He has come to kill them. She tells two of the boys to stand in the pantry closet and not to come out. Then she sits at the table with the third boy. The man enters followed by his little girl. The girl sits at the table and the woman tries to act like nothing is wrong. She asks the girl if she wants to play. One of the boys in the pantry jumps out and yells that he wants to play too. The woman realizes that they are all going to die.

Hiking through a thickly wooded area, I am tracking some kind of monkey creatures. Night falls and I sleep on the forest floor. The noise of something running past wakes me up and I see the silhouette of a small monkey man race past in the moonlight. I lay back down and as I drift off, I feel one of them skitter across my back and run off. I dart up but don’t see anything. I try to fall back asleep and hear a distant whisper, “bite its neck.” I feel a sharp, tiny prick on the back of my neck and jump awake in a cold sweat.

Looking at pictures of rings in a catalogue. I have already proposed to Brooke. I’m trying to remember if I already bought the ring or if I can have Julian’s dad make it for me.

Hiking through a thickly wooded area, I am tracking some kind of monkey creatures. Night falls and I sleep on the forest floor. The noise of something running past wakes me up and I see the silhouette of a small monkey man race past in the moonlight. I lay back down and as I drift off, I feel one of them skitter across my back and run off. I dart up but don’t see anything. I try to fall back asleep and hear a distant whisper, “bite its neck.” I feel a sharp, tiny prick on the back of my neck and jump awake in a cold sweat.

Looking at pictures of rings in a catalogue. I have already proposed to Brooke. I’m trying to remember if I already bought the ring or if I can have Julian’s dad make it for me.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I’m driving again through a small town and see Dave’s Dad and his brother Mark. They are also headed to meet Dave and go camping. I say I’ll see them there and then drive to another house. I walk into a bedroom and then Julie comes out of the attached bathroom. She covers herself by holding a towel across her chest as she gets clothes out of a dresser. She is surprised to see me. But then she lies on the bed and I lean above her supporting my weight with my arms held straight on the bed. When she stands up, she is wearing a robe that falls open. Then she kisses me. She lets the robe fall and sits on a couch. She looks up at me standing in front of her. I realize the bedroom door is open. I reach over to swing it closed because Dave’s dad and brother should be in another room. The door doesn’t close all the way, it is still a crack open. But I don’t care and step towards Julie. She leans forward.

Monday, March 26, 2007
old furniture
I drive to an old house with a large weed choked yard and a gravel driveway. Ray is inside and the place is filled with old furniture from the 70s. Some of it is ugly wood stuff with crochet blankets and pillows, but some is really cool plastic stuff. As we’re talking, he walks outside then drives off in the Bronco I’m driving. I don’t know where is he going or if he’s coming back. I go back inside and look in another room at the living room furniture. Ray comes running back in with my black, rolling suitcase, he has stuck a large sticker to the top. It looks like a work order with my name printed on it.

Friday, March 23, 2007
Pit Stop
I pull over at a rest area along a country road. There are picnic tables and a trail leading through some woods running parallel to the road. I fall along the trail looking for the bathrooms and realize there are none. As I decide to piss behind a tree, a man comes down the trail, so I walk back to my car instead.

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Can't reason with a Nazi
I’m sitting at a large conference table facing a room full of men in Nazi uniforms. Several other men in regular clothes (suits?) sit on either side of me at the table also facing out to the crowd of Nazis. We are witnesses in some kind of hearing or maybe we are on trial. The proceedings are called to order and the entire room stands and raises one hand in the nazi salute with a shout of “Seig Hiel!” Myself and the men next to me remain seated but also salute, except we do not speak immediately after raising our arm. We shoot out our hand (still outstretched flat) from under the table in front of our laps. A nazi in the front row asks a question about Christianity and a man two places to my right begins to answer. I feel he is missing some point, so I interrupt to say that the blood and bread are called the sacraments. The entire crowd reacts offended and very upset by my statement. I wonder why I must defend Jesus Christ to these people and how can I explain tolerance?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Haz Mat Girls
I’m standing in a public restroom and Adam Langston has climbed onto a sink to reach behind a ceiling tile at the edge of the wall. He is trying to find something hidden in the ceiling or the wall. I go to the door to leave or keep watch. When I open the door, I see three people in white hazardous waste suits coming toward me. To warn Adam, I loudly say something like “It really smells in there, I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” I walk away hoping that they don’t grab Adam or whatever he was looking for. Then I decide to go back and see if he’s ok. When I enter the restroom again, Adam is gone and three girls are standing in the room. One of them has just climbed out of a ceiling tile near the door (at the other side of the room of the room from where Adam was). I assume that they were wearing the haz-mat suits and that the ceiling tile leads to a secret passageway. I don’t know if Adam left willingly or found what he was after. One of the girls is wearing a pink top and looks very cute. The two have great bodies but something is off about their faces. I’m not sure if they know I’m somehow involved. When I try talking to them, I don’t get anywhere.

Reading Playboy at a long conference type table and a naked woman is laying on the table in front of me. She is gyrating her body and pressing her breasts into some type of powder or sand that clings to her skin. I look up at her then keep reading. I wonder why either of us is there.

Reading Playboy at a long conference type table and a naked woman is laying on the table in front of me. She is gyrating her body and pressing her breasts into some type of powder or sand that clings to her skin. I look up at her then keep reading. I wonder why either of us is there.

Monday, March 19, 2007
What About Zissou?
Sailing on a large boat with a guy that looks and acts a bit like Bill Murray. He has two beautiful women in bikinis with him, one always on each arm. Another much older man is onboard and seems to be the guy’s flunky. We hit rough seas and the boat capsizes. I don’t have a life vest, so I swim towards the other people in the water. They are floating in a human chain bobbing up and down across the pounding waves. I struggle to reach them and as I stretch out my hand, the girls suddenly disappear. A life jacket that I assume belonged to one of them floats into me. I grab it under one arm as the guy extends his hand to me. I can barely reach him, but my fingertips grip his. We pull ourselves closer together and hang on. I look up to see the boat upright but being pushed by the tide towards shore. It seems odd to me that it’s such a sunny day. The boat races wildly ahead and crashes into a crowded pier. People run in a mob away from the boat as it runs aground. Next thing I know, we’re walking under an overpass near the water. A beat up, old sedan is parked by one of the concrete columns of the bridge. The guy approaches it to get behind the wheel. I go around to the passenger side but don’t open the door. I stop because through the open passenger window I see the dead body of the flunky buckled into the front seat.

Friday, March 16, 2007
audition upskirt
At an audition, standing in a hallway that feels like it belongs in a pediatrician’s office. I’m talking to another guy in line about the parts. We’re friendly but I don’t know him. He gets called into an office and before I have time to turn around, my name is called also. It sounds just above a whisper coming from inside the office. I walk in and a woman is seated behind a big, ornate wood desk with her back to me. There are two rows of 2 or 3 chairs in front of the desk and I bump into one as I step to sit down in the one closest to the desk. At this moment, the woman spins her chair around to face me. She suppresses a laugh as she motions for me to sit in another chair at the side of the desk. As I sit down, I realize that I am not wearing a shirt.
I walk out of a building and check out two girls standing on the sidewalk next to a car. One of them bends into the open car door to get something off the front seat. Her mini-skirt slides up her ass revealing blue panties.
I walk out of a building and check out two girls standing on the sidewalk next to a car. One of them bends into the open car door to get something off the front seat. Her mini-skirt slides up her ass revealing blue panties.

Thursday, March 15, 2007
water, water everywhere
I’m standing on the shore of a flooded river, I see fish swimming everywhere. Then a giant fish, bigger and longer than a man is swimming in weaving circles near the opposite shore. I wade or fall into the water. And the giant fish comes after me. I keep spinning away but it keeps twisting back at me.
Walking along a flooded creek, below an overpass bridge I see a truck tire and rim floating by with a band saw sitting on top. I want to salvage stuff stuck in the muddy bank and floating past. So I step across a high hill in the middle of an island in the steam and sink into a bog of mud up past my knee. I step out of the muck and down the hill to the edge of the creek where the floating tire has come to rest against the shore. Jan is walking nearby.
Walking along a flooded creek, below an overpass bridge I see a truck tire and rim floating by with a band saw sitting on top. I want to salvage stuff stuck in the muddy bank and floating past. So I step across a high hill in the middle of an island in the steam and sink into a bog of mud up past my knee. I step out of the muck and down the hill to the edge of the creek where the floating tire has come to rest against the shore. Jan is walking nearby.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
School zone / War zone
Mom, Stacy and I are riding bikes and I lead them from the lower to upper parking lots of Crosby Middle School (although it looks more like Eastern High School but actually not like either) We ride past a chain link fence and walk into a huge, two level store crammed with all kinds of junk and clothes. It is run by a Korean man. I find a dark denim hat that looks like the Levi one I had as a kid, but this one fits me. I also see a pile of lighter denim ones like the other one I have. I put on a dark one but the brim is torn. I ask the man to find me one that isn’t ripped. The store starts to fall apart as if it is being bombed or hit by a natural disaster. I leave before finding another hat.
I walk to the car but can’t get in, then I realize that the car is actually parked in front of the one I’m standing at. Neither of the cars are models we’ve ever owned. And everything is now covered in snow. Mom and Stacy are already in the front seat about to drive off. I look around for our bikes but assume they are buried in the snow or maybe they put them in the trunk.
I walk to the car but can’t get in, then I realize that the car is actually parked in front of the one I’m standing at. Neither of the cars are models we’ve ever owned. And everything is now covered in snow. Mom and Stacy are already in the front seat about to drive off. I look around for our bikes but assume they are buried in the snow or maybe they put them in the trunk.

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